Page 33 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 33
yahoo /YĀ-who/ n. a coarse, bestial person spawned
by a brutish father of indeterminate origin. Syn. Donald.
yammer /YAM-er/ v. to talk continuously for a long time and in a way that is annoying to 60 percent of the U.S. population, and to 99 percent of people outside the former United States.
yard /YAARD/ n. a piece of land, usually concrete, adjacent to a windowless prison where political inmates play golf in their dreams.
Yosemite /YŌ-SEM-ĪTE/ n. greeting shouted by Donald to Jews and Arabs when he visited Israel and Saudi Arabia.
yucky /YUCK-ēē/ adj. disgusting, repellent, revolting, vomit-provoking, beastly, foul, repugnant, awful, gross loathsome, highly ofensive, scuzzy, nasty, horrid, vulgar, execrable; See Christ’s grandson and Fred’s son.