Page 39 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 39

  mean/mean One of Donald’s favorite words, mean (the adjective) describes a person who is “bad-tempered, ofensive and frightening” while mean (the verb) is used to “express or represent something such as an idea, thought or fact.”
After Joe Biden announced that Senator Kamala Harris would be his running mate, Donald’s ensuing ad called her “phony” and “the meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful, MOST LIBERAL of anyone in the entire U.S. Senate.”
regardless/irregardless Irregardless means regardless, but uses the nonsensical preix “ir” which indicates negation. It is avoided by careful users of English.
In a recent tirade against the United States Postal Service, Donald tweeted, “Irregardless of the Post Oice’s phony promises, if it does not increase its price by 75% to deliver Amazon packages, I will SHUT IT DOWN!”

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