Page 40 - The Donald Dictionary_2
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sensual/sensuous Sensual means “of the senses as opposed to the intellect with sexual overtones” while sensuous refers to “the senses aesthetically rather than physically.”
On Melanoma’s birthday in April this year, Donald tweeted, “Happy Birthday, MELANEA! Of all my wives, your hands are the MOST sensuous, but mine are LARGER!!”
tart/tart Tart(thenoun)isa“prostituteorpromiscuous woman” while tart (the adjective) is “a sharp or acrid taste.”
After Donald returned from Russia in 1987, he tweeted, “My friend Putin gave me the best tart I ever tasted.”
tortuous/torturous Tortuous means “full of twists and turns” while torturous means “involving torture; excruciating.”
When Donald sent agents from the Border Patrol’s elite unit known as Bortec into Portland, he tweeted, “These guys are torturous. They are the best at tracking smugglers and revolutionaries, so they’ll get rid of those leftwing antichrists in no time.”