Page 52 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 52
Appendicitis Editor’s Cautionary Note
Appendices are generally found in dictionaries and research papers. They consist of charts, graphs, tables, diagrams, maps, photographs, statistical data and other supplementary material for the purpose of elucidating the text.
Appendicitis is a potentially fatal condition that occurs when appendices are so accurate and dire, they debilitate the reader in a most excruciating way.
For this editor, Donald was the ultimate gut punch, a pain that started in my lower left abdomen, rapidly spread to my heart and inally infected my brain. The disease became so severe that I created this book as emergency therapy to forestall rupture and alleviate some of the pain.
Historically, appendicitis was most common in young people who had not yet amassed the emotional maturity or life experience to ward it of. Today, progressive senior citizens are