Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue #1890
P. 78
ISSUE No. 1856
Dr. Alan A.
In this column, we examine the mental health issues in the context
of social, culture, and physiological concerns of the Iranian community
Part 2-More on Developing Habits to Enhance Your Life Fulfillment
ast week I explored some habits ous and love to learn new things. They new food, a new hobby, or even a new what it truly is – a chance to learn, to
that people who love life most understand that learning doesn’t stop travel destination. So, don’t be afraid to grow, and to become better. They don’t
Lhave in common. We discussed when school does, and embrace op- try something new. It might be uncom- let fear of failure hold them back from
how people who really enjoy life tend portunities to grow, both personally and fortable at first, but it could also lead to chasing their dreams. Failure is not the
to start their day with a positive mind- professionally. some pretty amazing experiences. end of the road. It’s just a bump along
set. They wake up and choose to see the So, consider picking up that book They Accept Failure as Part of Life- the way.
good in the world, rather than focusing you’ve been meaning to read, or signing This is perhaps one of the most impor- Keep going, learn from your mistakes
on the negatives. They Set Clear Goals- up for that online course you’ve been tant habits and it’s often the hardest to and remember, every failure brings you
People who get the most out of life eyeing. You never know where your master. People who truly enjoy life un- one step closer to success. Remember,
know where they want to go and they newfound knowledge might lead you. derstand that failure is not the opposite habits take time to form and it’s all
Make Time for Themselves. They Know It’s Okay to Say No- of success, but a part of it. Let’s face it: about taking small steps. Start with one
Now, here are more habits that help This one might surprise you, but it’s we all mess up sometimes. We make habit and once you’ve got that down,
these people enjoy more life fulfillment. true. People who get the most out of life mistakes, we fall short, we fail. And move on to the next. Before you know
They Stay Active-Regular physi- understand the power of saying ‘no’.
cal activity releases endorphins, also Let’s be real here. We often say yes that’s okay. It doesn’t mean we’re not it, you’ll be living life to its fullest!
known as ‘feel-good hormones’, which when we want to say no. We agree to good enough or that we should give up. And hey, don’t forget to enjoy the
naturally boost our mood. It doesn’t things we don’t want to do, stretch our- It just means we’re human. Those who journey. After all, that’s what life is all
mean they’re always at the gym or train- selves too thin and end up stressed and get the most out of life see failure for about.
ing for a marathon. It could be a brisk unhappy. Those who truly enjoy life
walk around the block, a quick yoga have learned that it’s okay to say no.
session, or even dancing in the living They understand that their time and en-
room. The point is to get moving and ergy are valuable, and that they can’t do
keep the body active. 150 minutes of everything. They know that saying ‘no’
moderate exercise per week (that’s only to something they don’t want or need,
21 minutes a day!) can significantly im- allows them to say ‘yes’ to something
prove your mood and health. they do. And this simple shift can make
So, if you’re not already doing it, try a world of difference! So, remember,
adding some form of physical activity it’s your life. Don’t feel obligated to say
into your daily routine. Trust us, your ‘yes’ all the time. It’s okay to put your-
body and mind will thank you. They self first sometimes. It doesn’t make you
Connect with Loved Ones-Life is all selfish or rude. It makes you human.
about relationships, and those who They Practice Mindfulness-People
cherish life know this well. They make who get the most out of life often prac-
a point to connect with their loved ones tice mindfulness. This means they focus
regularly, whether it’s family, friends, on being fully present and engaged in
or a cherished pet. These connections whatever they’re doing at the moment.
bring joy, comfort, and a sense of be- Being mindful doesn’t necessarily mean
longing that’s hard to find elsewhere. sitting in silent meditation (though
They’re the source of some of our most that can certainly help!). It could be as
meaningful and heartfelt moments. Life simple as savoring a meal, really listen-
can be unpredictable and sometimes, ing when someone is talking, or taking
things can change in an instant. Those a moment to notice the beauty around
who truly enjoy life understand this you. So, why not give it a try? The next
and make sure they don’t take their re- time you’re doing something, try to re-
lationships for granted. So, reach out to ally focus on it. You might discover a
someone you care about today. Have a whole new level of enjoyment in every-
chat, share a laugh, or simply tell them day things!
you love them. These small moments of They Seek Out New Experiences-
connection can truly enrich your life. People who love life are usually ad-
They Keep Learning-People who venturers at heart. They don’t shy away
enjoy life to the fullest are usually curi- from trying new things, whether it’s a
DANESH FOROUGHI, PH.D. Alan Modarressi, PhD, QME
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY13680 Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Licensed Marriage, Family & Child Psychotherapist, MFC23455 Qualified Medical Evaluator
Certified National Board of Addiction Examiners #4974 Certified Psychophsychologist
Tel: (310) 940-3642 Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management
15720 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. #224 Encino CA 91436 (818) 501-6080 (562) 861-7226