Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1891
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1890
                                                                   Ramin from: New York                             about her Iranian lover. He said his
                                                  Do not say anything to your                                       lover was probably pregnant, Sharon

                                                  kind father, let him continue                                     said. He decided to return to Iran sev-
                                                                                                                    eral times, but we stopped him.
                                                            to be proud of you                                      Finally, Sharon introduced me to my

                                                                                                                    father's other children. At first, they
                                                                                                                    were cold towards me.  But when I
                                                                                      the same honorable man who    gave them gifts from Iran and they
                                                                                       helped my mother during the   found out that I am a university pro-
                                                                                       most critical days of her life and   fessor and have a good future, they
                                                                                       loved me even more than his   gradually approached me.  Within 3
                                                                                        own children. "One day you'll   months, we became so fond of each
                                                                                        invite your mother and me to   other that everyone could see the signs
                 was 14 years old when my                                               your wedding abroad, you'll   of sisterly and brotherly love in us. I
                 aunt told me a big secret. She                                          buy your mother a house full   even met my father's second wife. She
              I revealed to me that my moth-                                             of flowers, and you'll have   was a devoted philanthropic nurse and
               er had been married to an em-                                             some children like you who   wanted to reconcile with my father
               ployee of the American embassy                                             will call me grandfather."  again.
               for  4  months.  Then,  due  to  her                                       The day I packed my bags   In my recent searches, I found  Mi-
               father's strong opposition and her                                         to go to the USA, my moth-  chael's trail in New Zealand. I decided
               husband's  new  mission,  they  di-                                         er pulled me aside. "Don't   to visit him. One rainy weekend day, I
               vorced, and their father immediate-                                         look for your real father.   found Michael at a bar. I went forward
               ly arranged for my mother to marry                                          Maybe something will     and greeted him in Farsi.
               the son of one of his friends. An                                            happen that will break   "Are you Iranian?" he asked.
               honorable kind person I never felt                                           your heart and destroy   "Yes," I answered.
               that I was his adopted child. When                                           your dreams. Just pur-  "How did you know that I know Far-
               this good man found out my mother                                             sue your education and   si?"
               was pregnant, he kept it a secret and                                         build the glorious future   "My mother told me!"
               pretended to everyone that I was born                                         you deserve."          "Your mother?"
               prematurely! When I found out about                                            My loving father gave   "Yes, my mother. Shabnam."
               this significant secret about my life, I                                       me  all the financial   Suddenly, he fell from the high chair.
               was shocked, surprised, and of course                                          means  to pursue my   Everyone came to him. But he raised
               happy. Anyway, I knew that my real                                             specialty and live a   his hands instantly. "I'm ok." I helped
               father  was  an  American; However,                                           comfortable life. I con-  him get up. He looked into my eyes.
               only god knew where he was and                              she    tinued my studies at one of the most   "My God, you're my son." He said.
               what he was doing. Also, I was happy           sighed and con-     prestigious universities in New York. I   "I cannot believe it." Then he shout-
               because of the chivalry of my father,   tinued. "Your real father was a good   also made new friends. Among them,   ed. "Everyone! Let's drink. My treat!
               whom I loved in any situation.   man, but he was afraid of your grand-  there was an American boy, a Cana-  This boy standing in front of me is
               We were 5 children and in all those   father's reaction. Because  on those   dian boy, and an Australian girl. Nina,   my son. My lost son!" Cheers and ap-
               14 years and the years after that, not   days, a young Englishman died after   the Australian girl, took a place in my   plause filled the bar and everyone sur-
               only did I not see any discrimination   secretly marrying a girl from Mash-  heart very soon. We liked each other   rounded us. Men shook my hand and
               between myself and my siblings, but I   had."                      so much that we chose to live together   women kissed me as if I was a child.
               also noticed that my father paid more   I asked my mother to show me a pho-  and then, we got married. My parents   The next morning, Michael and I were
               attention to me. He took care of me in   to of my real father. "He destroyed ev-  were very glad. Let us know when the   on a plane to New York. The whole
               every way. He insisted that I go to uni-  ery photo I had." My mother replied.   grandchildren will arrive, they used to   way,  Michael  had  his  head  on  my
               versity and become a doctor, lawyer,   "My father left no trace of him."  say.                       shoulder. He was in tears. He looked
               or engineer. From the day I realized   My mother was right. After this inci-  Since I knew my real father's name, I   at me every now and then. I cannot
               the extent of his honor, I decided to   dent, I almost lost my teenage peace   started searching for him. I first found   believe it, he would say.
               study with all my might.         and carelessness. I was always look-  his trace in Seattle. He was mar-  The next evening, everyone gathered
               At the age of 16, one day I persistently   ing for  a  familiar face in American   ried twice and had four children. My   at the house of my father's ex-wife.
               asked my mother to tell me what hap-  news and movies. I thought to myself,   searches showed that after separating   My father was clinging to her and
               pened to her during those years. Has   which actor, athlete, or  TV reporter   from his second wife, my father suf-  their children were sitting around
               she ever spoken to my real father? Has   does my father resemble?  fered from mental problems and went   them. Sharon kept pouring wine and
               she been in contact with him? Does   Nevertheless, I studied and soon mas-  to the Far East. There was no news of   the sound of everyone's laughter filled
               she know where he lives?         tered the English language. Finally, I   him. I was disappointed to meet him   the house. Everyone, young and old,
               "You shouldn't have known this." my   was admitted to the university. During   and instead found Sharon, his sister,   hugged me lovingly and thanked me.
               mother said "I don't know why my   all those days, I dreamed many times   and my American aunt. She was a very   At a suitable opportunity, I called my
               nosy sister made such a mistake. I'm   of a man, with brown hair and colored   kind experienced woman. "I think the   mother in Iran and told her the story.
               sure that by doing this, she changed the   eyes, holding my mother's hand and   only place where my brother doesn't   She was very happy. But then she said
               course of your life. You're undoubted-  taking her with him.       have a child is on the moon." After   something to me that I'll never forget.
               ly confused and perhaps also curious,   The day I graduated from university,   learning the truth, she said jokingly.   "You did well to tell me, but don't tell
               and you certainly will not rest until the   I started looking for admission to   My  American aunt had no phone   your kind father." She said. "Let him
               complete discovery of this secret. But   American universities.    number or address from Michael, my   continue to be proud of you. Let him
               I advise you to keep this in your mind   "I know that you will make me proud   father, but she promised to find him.   think that he is your only father."
               and not to look for its details." Then   in the future." My father told me;   Sharon told me that he always talked   Translation: Massi Zokaei
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