Page 79 - Javanan Issue #1897
P. 79
From The Desk Of The Editor ISSUE No. 1896
Farzad from Portland at high-ranking universities. I had made
When I returned to Iran in a good life for myself. I helped Homa,
who had fallen in love with a young
search of my roots businessman to host the most beautiful
wedding. The day she announced that
there was a small guest on the way, I felt
I had completed another mission. One
pany arranged for him to get his night, I invited my kind loving parents
green card. Later, my mother got to dinner. We talked a lot and I finally
a job in a cosmetics store. I went shared the secret with them. They both
to college and Homa went to were baffled. My mother started cry-
high school. ing. "I never wanted this secret to be
We all settled down within a revealed." She said. "I wanted you and
y parents were and are year. Homa and I were pursu- Homa to consider yourself our true chil-
among the kindest. I ing our education with all our dren. Now I ask myself, did I not take
Mhave never felt emotion- might. Both of us soon ex- good care of you? Did I make you look
ally deprived in my life. They gave celled in our studies and got for an answer to this old secret?"
me a lot of love and helped me in great jobs. At the same time, I hugged my mother and kissed her.
all areas of my life including enter- as promised, we went after "No parent in the world has taken care
tainment, sports, and art. I also had a our family secret. First of all, of their children with such kindness and
younger sister; Homa, my sister, al- the shape of our faces and love that you took care of Homa and
ways obeyed my instructions. When- the color of our eyes, hair, me," I said. "I'm always indebted to you
ever she was upset for some reason, and skin were completely for your kindness. You'll remain my par-
I was the one who would tell her so different from our parents. ents for the rest of my life. But I'm curi-
many jokes that she would cry with I called my aunts and told ous to find my biological mother."
laughter. them about my curios- My mother promised to help me. Three
My parents both had green and blue ity. My mother's younger days later, she gave me all the names and
eyes. But my eyes and Homa's were brother, who was a uni- addresses she had of her. This made me
black. I used to jokingly ask my moth- versity student, simply determined to go to Iran to try and find
er, why didn't we have those beautiful said that he thought our her. Two months later, I went to Iran.
green eyes? But I always wished I had parents had adopted us. Over the next two weeks, I checked ev-
black eyes, she answered. It was shocking news ery address I had of her, but there was
Homa was nine years old when she sud- for me. I was confused no sign left. One day, an old shopkeeper
denly developed a severe fever and was for several days. But I in the south part of the city invited me
admitted to the hospital. She returned moth- did not have the courage to raise the is- to his house. I went with him without
home with crutches. And from that mo- er's arms and thanked sue with my parents. At the same time, asking any questions and sat around the
ment I decided to do everything I could me with that innocent look and tearful I called my mother's older brother. At dinner table along with some old ladies.
to make Homa healthy and vibrant eyes. first, he avoided answering, but then, "Why are you looking for your moth-
again. I started reading a lot of books. Exactly two and a half years later, with after making me promise never to tell er?" one of them asked.
Over the next four years, I would force the help of medication, surgery, and anyone about our conversation, he ex- "I'm looking for my roots. I won't stop
Homa to move on any pretext. I made physical therapy, Homa gradually put plained everything to me. until I find it."
her lean on me and helped her walk, away her cane. We were able to hear her "Your parents couldn't have kids." He "Have your present parents neglected
even if only a few steps. Then I would laughter once again. With her own ef- said. "Since they loved to have children, you?"
make her move her hands and feet in the forts, the help of our caring doctor, and they adopted you and Homa four years "They're the best parents in the world.
house pond. I like all your efforts, my the encouragement of our parents and apart."
mother would say. I'm overwhelmed me, Homa managed to walk a few steps. "How?" I asked. "From where? Which I learned whatever I know about love,
with joy and pride that you love your Then, with the help of special shoes, she institution?" kindness, and humanity from them."
sister so much. I am proud of myself for progressed at such a speed that we all "I don't know the details. I only know "Then why do you want to disturb the
raising such wonderful children. shed tears of joy. That day when Homa that your parents love you. They never peace you have in your life? Why have
Finally, with the help of my friends, I went to school on her feet and her class- wanted you to know about this. They you come looking for an old forgotten
found a doctor who specialized in neu- mates surrounded her with surprise and warned us several times to keep their mother?"
rology. I asked my mother to take Homa happiness, I felt that my mission had secret. They said they don't want you to "But I love this old forgotten mother
to the doctor. I could see that Homa was come to an end. Now my little sister find out and feel hurt." without even knowing her."
shy around her healthy lively friends was eager to fly with her wings. "Do they know about our real parents?" Suddenly, the same lady who had asked
and often preferred to stay at home. At One day, when we were both watching I insisted. me these questions got up with difficul-
school, she seemed to be glued to her TV while excited about the news of my "Honestly, I knew your mother in the ty and came towards me. I hugged her
seat, not even coming out of the class- parents' move to the USA, Homa qui- distant years. Since your father was in amazement.
room during break time. etly told me that she felt there were se- martyred in the war and your mother "So I finally found my roots," I said qui-
Fortunately, going to that doctor crets hidden in our family's past that we was poor and could not raise you and etly. Her sobbing was mixed with my
brought promising news. "It seems that needed to uncover. I assured her that we his other son, she gave you to your par- tearful laughter. Everyone was crying
all the love and attention your son has would start this new mission as soon as ents without accepting any money." with us.
given to his sister has kept all her nerves we reached the US. "How do I find my real mother?" I wanted to share this pure moment with
alive in these years." The doctor told my Since most of our family lived in Port- "I have no address of her. But I know my parents in the US. So I called them.
mother. "I'll try to cure your daughter land, Oregon, we went straight there. that Homa's parents died in an acci- "I found her," I said.
with new techniques and surgery so that They welcomed us warmly. My father dent." "We've prepared a furnished room
she can walk again." was fluent in English and had an ac- In those days, I no longer pursued the for her." my mother said. "What good
Hearing this, my mother started crying. counting work experience in Iran. He subject. When I graduated, I went news. We're waiting for you."
I cried too. Homa threw herself into my soon found a suitable job and his com- through new courses as a cardiologist Translation: Massi Zokaei