Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1908
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1902

                                                                     Ebi, Los Angeles
                                                                                                                    I searched for my son Mazdak
                                                                                  myself and started drinking. If   on social media and found him.
                                                                                                                    When I called him, he was very
                                                                                  a friend hadn't happened to see   surprised. "Mom said you left us
                                                                                  me in a night bar, I might have   for a young girl." He said.
                                                                                  become a full-fledged alcoholic   "So you weren't aware of what
                                                                                  by now. He took me to his house   was happening in those days?" I
                                                                                  and locked me there for four days,   asked.
                                                                                  Mehdi was my school friend. He    "I was, but I was in my own
                                                                                  saved my life with his kindness.   world."
                                                                                  Then he gave me a room in his     "What are you doing now?"
                                                                                  apartment and insisted that I don't   "I work in the field of social
                                                                                  think about finding a job for now   media and computer program-
               Sepideh and I left Iran about                                      and go with him to gatherings of   ming. I haven't heard from mom
                                                                                  acquaintances and friends so that
               28 years ago. We were both                                         I could relax and forget about the   and uncles and aunts for several
               full of youthful passion and big                                   past. After a few months, Mehdi   years."
               dreams. Our only son Maz-                                          suggested that I start working as   "Are they still together?"
               dak was six years old. He was                                      an assistant in a friend's repair   "Mom didn't have any experience
               excited that we were going to a                                    shop and then, when my skills are   in repair shop work. his brothers
               new country and often asked us                                     noticed, I should think about my   took over the repair shop and the
               about America; Disney world,                                       plans for the future.             house by trickery and sent her to a
               Pinocchio, and other things. And                            So,    Through the same repair shop,     rented apartment."
                                                                                                                    "So what about that caring fam-
               I would tell him all the informa-             they tried to cut off   I met a person who worked for
               tion I had.                      my relationship with them. I didn't   a big company and needed an   ily?"
                                                                                                                    "Caring family? I heard that mom
               We had only one nephew in New    see my friends anymore. I didn't   experienced repairman. My life   has been sick for months and is
               York who made many promises.     feel good about their interference,   changed from that day. At that   hospitalized in a clinic."
               And he helped us greatly. He     but I didn't want to argue with the   company, I was making double   "Why don't you visit her?"
               accepted us in his apartment for   guests. So I kept silent. Then, two   what I was making in New York.   "I'm busy with my fiancé, my job,
               three months, then rented us a   of Sepideh's brothers came to my   Every day they gave me new       and my future. She humiliated me
               small apartment. I found a suit-  repair shop to help. Both had no   responsibilities, to the extent   many times in front of her family.
               able job very soon due to my     experience. I tried to teach them   that they entrusted me with three   She once told me not to disturb
               experience in repairing all kinds   the techniques and go step by step   big branches of the company. I   her. So I have nothing to do with
               of vehicles. Our life was going   with them.                       finally got back on my feet. After   her anymore."
               on with love and peace. Sepideh   From the very first weeks, the   five years, I bought a nice house   I got Sepideh's address and two
               was working in a cosmetics store.   older brother started objecting to   and felt alive again. I opened the   weeks later we went to visit her
               Our income was enough to buy a   the way I dealt with customers.   door to my friends. At the same   together with my wife. We found
               house and build a dignified life for   "You respect these people too   time, one of my brothers came   Sepideh in a remote government
               ourselves.                       much." He said. "You have to      to the US with his wife and two   center. When she called me, I
               When I started a good business   stand firm. You have to decide the   children. I welcomed them into   didn't recognize her at first. I went
               and got a high income, Sepideh's   day of your choice regarding the   my house. Both of them came    to her bed. She wanted to get
               brothers and sisters also arrived.   delivery of their car. They should   with lottery green cards and were   up from the bed, but she had no
               They were all our guests, who    know that you, as well as us, are   looking for a job. I introduced   strength. Sholeh went forward, sat
               soon became the house rulers.    the decision-makers. And If some-  my brother, who had a good       on the bed, and hugged her. Sepi-
               Almost all the rooms in our house   thing went wrong, don't let them   background in accounting, to an   deh, as if she had found a refuge
               were full. Everything I bought   complain."                        Iranian company. Fortunately, he   after a long time, laid her head on
               was consumed within two weeks.   These orders and their arbitrari-  got settled very quickly. Then,   Sholeh's chest and cried.
               Of course, I was happy that we   ness caused many customers not    some of his wife's friends joined   Three days later, Sholeh and I
               were all together. Whatever they   to come to my repair shop. The   them. They were just the type of   took responsibility and brought
               asked for, I prepared for them.   old customers told me that with   Sepideh's family.                Sepideh, who was broken and
               Daily recipes, inviting guests,   these two new colleagues, we no   I warned my brother about the    emaciated, to Los Angeles and put
               and weekend trips, all were done   longer have anything to do with   possible consequences, which    her in one of the rooms. Sholeh
               according to their wishes. Sepi-  you.                             made him talk to his wife and tell   nursed her like a kind sister, and
               deh was very happy. In Iran, we   I talked with Sepideh's broth-   her my life story. His wife agreed   Sepideh gradually got better and
               were not as close as we are here,   ers, but that night there was a   with him and soon those friends   found the strength to walk and
               she would say. I wish our parents   big argument at home. That led   were removed from their lives.   speak. One day when Sholeh
               were here to see this.           to an argument between me and     In four years, my brother and     and I came back from work, we
               I did not fail to do whatever Sepi-  Sepideh. Later, it was dragged   his wife bought a house, saved   smelled the enchanting smell of
               deh wanted, from buying clothes   to the workplace and the gather-  money, and brought his wife's    food. Sepideh had cooked dinner
               to providing the necessities of life   ing of friends and family. One   lonely mother from Iran to take   for us. As soon as Sholeh entered,
               for the guests. I even took them to   night, when I protested against   care of their children.      Sepideh hugged him. "Let me
               Los Angeles twice to visit Dis-  their insults, Sepideh said that she   Then, I met a woman and after   stay here. I'll do whatever I can to
               neyland and Universal Studios.   wanted a divorce. After the di-   eight months we got married.      help."
               It didn't matter how much I paid,   vorce, the court gave Sepideh the   Sholeh was an educated, under-  "This is your home too," Sholeh
               as long as Sepideh was happy.    house plus half of the repair shop.   standing, and genuine woman   said. "Also Mazdak is coming to
               Gradually, our new guests started   I had to sell my share to them   who gave me new energy for      see you today. He wants to invite
               commenting on my relationship    and get out of their lives with an   life. One day when I was flip-  you to his wedding."
               with my old friends and family   amount of money I did not expect.   ping through the photo album, I   Sepideh jumped up and down
               members. They told me that they   Since I was a complete wreck, I   suddenly realized that I had not   with excitement and we watched
               are not qualified people. They said   came to Los Angeles and within   heard from my son during the   her happily.
               they have uneducated children.   six months, I closed all doors on   eight years that I had come to LA.

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