Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1893
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1890
                                                                   Nazanin from New York                            back of the building, and put us in
                                                  My son, under the influence                                       a station wagon. At the same time,

                                                    of religious beliefs, was on                                    he called the police and quickly
                                                     the verge of beheading us                                      drove away. Four hours later, we ar-
                                                                                                                    rived near the border. He took us to
                                                                                                                    a small local restaurant and ordered
                                                                                      friends pulled me aside. "I   us food. At midnight, we crossed the
                                                                                       think Bardia is influenced   border and entered another country.
                                                                                       by Robin's bigoted beliefs."   I sang that lullaby as long as I had
                                                                                        He said. "Robin was talking   breath left. Finally, Bardia drove us
                                                                                        about a religious extremist   away from that area. How did you
                    ardia was a talented                                                group. He said the key to   find me? he kept asking me. How
                    boy. According to one                                                heaven is in their hands, that   was I there? Where did this song of
              Bof his high school teach-                                                 sinful people must be wiped   my childhood come from?
               ers, he was a genius. All the kids                                        out from the earth so that   I don't know how many hours
               in the class envied him because                                            the earth can breathe and   passed. I woke up from the pain,
               of his intelligence in learning.                                           live for billions of years!"   hunger, and thirst. At that moment, I
               My husband Davoud and  I de-                                                With the guidance of the   saw Bardia and Robin. They were in
               cided to send him to one of the                                             same student, we went    long white dresses and were staring
               US universities. Due to his high                                            to Brazil. By inquiring   at us intently.
               grades and fluency in English and                                            about Bardia and show-  "Bardia!" I shouted. "what is going
               French, he was accepted into one                                             ing his pictures, we ar-  on? Why are you doing this to your
               of the top universities in the field of                                      rived in front of a build-  father and me?"
               new technology in space and envi-                                             ing that  looked like   "If necessary, we'll rid the earth of
               ronment. He went to the USA with                                              a temple. First, they   beings like you," Bardia shouted.
               a full scholarship. We promised to                                                                   "We'll bury you alive and your sins
               buy him a small apartment for his                                              didn't let us in, but   will be cleansed."
               comfort. Davoud fulfilled his prom-                                            seeing Bardia's pic-  it was night. While both of us had
               ise after six months. Bardia, happy                                            ture as a teenager in   completely  lost our  strength, two
               and full of energy, was engaged in                                             our hands, they took   teenagers fed us drinks and what
               his studies. He said that his profes-                  months.     us to a room. A group of boys and   appeared to be food.  Then, they
               sors and even the university officials   he said he is about to take   girls surrounded us, started singing   took us back to a basement.  This
               regularly praised him, predicting a   a big step in a significant event.   songs, and splashed us with a liquid   time they left us up to the waist in
               golden future for him.           These words added to my past wor-  like rose water. Then they tied our   a pool of green water. All the time,
               My husband and I safely continued   ries. Keep me informed, I said with   hands and feet and whipped us with   the sound of collective singing was
               our construction work in Karaj, but   concern.                     long stems of plants. They beat us to   heard, and the smell of burnt herbs
               we were in regular contact with   I lost contact with my son for about   the point of unconsciousness with-  and the pungent smell of some kind
               Bardia. One night, he told us about   two months. My husband decided to   out paying attention to our cries and   of spice filled the whole place.
               Robin, his beautiful charming class-  go to the US and find out what was   pleas.                    Suddenly, my husband kicked a
               mate. He said they are in love, they   going on, especially since Bardia   My husband and I freed ourselves,   metal stand to which our hands and
               live together, and plan to get married   had dropped out of school.  but they surrounded us again and   feet were tied. Unexpectedly, all that
               after graduation in our presence. I   I was very worried and did not sleep   tied our hands and feet.  Then, a   grand decor collapsed. The screams
               was both happy and worried. Bardia   well at night.  Then, my husband   device similar to a guillotine was   of teenagers and children, some of
               was an innocent honest young man.   called. Unfortunately, he could not   brought to the middle of the room. It   them even seven years old, filled the
               I was afraid that he was deceived by   find any trace of Bardia.   seemed to us that they were going to   whole place.
               that girl's appearance and romantic   Despite all the trouble, I got a visa   kill us with the device. I saw my son   Four days later, the news of the ar-
               whispers. I warned him that when   and came to the US. Then, we be-  from far away singing with a group.   rest of one of the largest extremist
               one falls in love and decides to mar-  gan an all-out search to find Bardia   My husband and I saw death before   and dangerous religious groups in
               ry, one should act very intelligently   and find out about his fate. First, we   our eyes. At that moment, I remem-  Latino countries was published in
               and thoughtfully. If you see this girl   went to the university. The profes-  bered Bardia's childhood; the days   New York newspapers. Bardia was
               once, you too will fall in love with   sors and even his classmates asked   when I used to sing him an old lul-  stunned. He had come back to life
               her, Bardia said.                about how he was doing with as-   laby to sleep. Involuntarily, I started   feeling like a robot. After months,
               It was Bardia's third year of univer-  tonishment. They said he suddenly   singing that song. Moments later,   my husband and I slept well at night.
               sity when I felt that he spoke about   gave up the best academic position,   Bardia moved away from the crowd   I filled the house day and night with
               God and his religious beliefs suspi-  the promised future that was waiting   and came towards us. What are you   the sound of that old music that
               ciously. Then he said he was going to   for him, and left.         doing here? he asked.             saved us all.
               South America with Robin for two   One of Bardia's and his girlfriend's   Then he untied us, took us to the   Translation: Massi Zokaei
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