Page 77 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1919
P. 77
From The Desk Of The Editor ISSUE No. 1919
Marlin, Germany JAVANAN
What a glorious day it was at Frankfurt Airport!
expressed his strong opposition. "If spite my opposition, Farzin packed
necessary, we'll even change your his suitcase and left for Afghanistan.
college." He said. A big black cloud was hanging over
I stood up to them. But they attrib- my life. I would stay awake in my
uted Farzin and all Iranians to the bed until morning. I took a leave from
ISIS group. They thought that Farzin work. I would talk to Farzin regular-
would force me to go to Iran, become ly on the phone. He said that he has
a Muslim, wear a veil, and live in Iran found his Afghan friends and is very
I am a German woman, who learned forever. hopeful about the outcome of this trip.
Farsi from my Iranian husband. I am Farzin and I finished college. Togeth- My mother was hospitalized due to
sending you this email to speak about er, we went through a year-and-a-half fear and worry. I had completely lost
a decent Iranian man, a loving hus- course at a prestigious university and my cool. Involuntarily, I was con-
started working in a big company. I
band. stantly arguing with everyone around
I met Farzin 14 years ago in college. informed my parents that we were me, and I couldn't put down the phone
getting ready for marriage. This news
Farzin had come here from Iran one made my father tell me that I should for a moment. If it wasn't for Farzin's
parents and sister, I wouldn't be able
year ago and had been studying com- leave his house. I left my parents'
puter science in college. I was also house against my will. In the presence to take care of my children. They
were with me day and night. His fa-
studying in the same field. Honestly, did of close friends and Farzin's kind lov- ther had asked his friends in Iran for
in the first days I met Farzin, I dis- not dare to talk about ing family, we got married in Iranian help and a few of them had promised
tanced myself from him despite the this friendship with my parents, be- and European style. We were both to help.
respect he showed me, due to the cause I was afraid of their reaction. overjoyed. Fortunately, we were so One day, Farzin informed us that one
bad view that existed in the society A year and a half had passed since our successful in our jobs that we bought of my father's colleagues had com-
friendship when Farzin invited me to
towards Middle Easterners, espe- his parent's house for dinner. I went a beautiful apartment and started our pletely disappeared and was probably
cially Iranians. Several times in the there with fear and hesitation. But his independent life. Sometimes, in the in prison. The whole family was ter-
university cafeteria line, he gave me family welcomed me with such kind- absence of my father, I would go rified. I even wanted to go there my-
his turn. With the descriptions I had ness and respect, and his mother and home, hug my mother and sister, kiss self. It’s not safe here, he yelled at me
seen and heard in some media, I was sister influenced me so much that I them, and then leave. over the phone. Take care of the kids
surprised by his respect for women didn't want to say goodbye to them at After a year, I gave birth to a twin, a and your mom and wait, I promise I'll
and elders. I was amazed by Farzin the end of the night. boy and a girl. Farzin's mother and bring your dad back.
being such a gentleman. Besides, my That night, I thought a lot about Far- sister would take care of the kids all For two weeks, we were all waiting
parents always warned me not to get zin, other Iranians, their warmth and day, and Farzin and I worked hard. for news from Farzin. One night Far-
close to Iranians, Arabs, Turks, and hospitality, and their modernity as Over time, I learned the Farsi lan- zin finally called.
Afghans. well. I asked myself why the media guage completely and got acquainted "I have good news." He said. “I found
Farzin's respectful interactions and poisons Europeans' thoughts about with the history, poets, and writers of your dad. I want to visit him with the
polite behavior had impressed me, them. But Farzin explained to me Iran. help of my friends. I'll let you know
but I still avoided getting close to that, unfortunately, some fanatics, One day, my mother informed me by tomorrow."
him. One day, when I was standing in both in Iran and in the Middle East that my father, who had been working We were all happy to some extent.
the queue to receive the exam results, countries, have created such an idea, for many years in a large construc- But there was no news from Farzin
an Indian student pushed me and I otherwise the educated young genera- tion company, had gone to Afghani- for 48 hours. Two days later, he called
fell to the ground. Farzin immediately tion and cultured families have differ- stan to do a project, and she had not me in the morning. He told me to be
came to me, lifted me from the floor, ent thoughts. heard from him for two months. My at the airport at 4 pm the next day. I
and put me on a chair. Then, he ar- Without my family knowing, I con- mother was so concerned about him. excitedly informed everyone and we
gued with the student, almost causing tinued my relationship with Farzin Every phone call to my father went were all at the airport at 2 pm. At ex-
a physical fight between them, which and a passionate love arose between unanswered. I talked to Farzin. He actly five in the afternoon, I saw my
I stopped him. But for the first time, us. We decided to get married in the was more worried than me. He said father. He was leaning on Farzin and
I thanked Farzin for his kindness and future. I had to somehow inform my that hostage-taking had intensified in walking slowly toward us. We all ran
attention towards me. From the next family about this. In the meantime, I some countries in the Middle East. to them. My father hugged his grand-
day onwards, we would sit at a small showed some Iranian souvenirs to my "I'm afraid something has happened children before he hugged my mother.
table, eating and talking. I enjoyed mother and told her that contrary to to your dad." He said. "Something We were all in tears.
hearing Farzin's extensive informa- their expectations, there was an emo- must be done." My father put his hand on Farzin's
tion about Germany and the history tional relationship between me and "Like what?" I asked. shoulder. "What enjoyable exciting
of my country, as well as the long- Farzin. "If necessary, I'll go to Afghanistan. years we denied you, Farzin and our
standing relations between Germany Once, my mother got so mad that she I know their language. I also have grandchildren." He said to me. "I
and Iran. shouted at me. "Are you crazy?" She some Afghan friends who grew up want to throw a wedding party for
Our friendship continued. Farzin asked me. "So in a few years, you'll and studied in Iran. They're now in you two."
would give me some of the gifts he want to leave the house with a scarf Afghanistan for several years and And I was lost in my father's arms!
received from Iran. He also took me and a veil!" have important jobs there." Farsi Text on Page 7
to some Iranian restaurants. But I still The following week, my father also I was against it. But one day, de-