Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1883
P. 78

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1882
                                                           Parichehr from Westlake, Los Angeles                     In the meantime, Nasim, one of my
                                                            When the Ukrainian                                      friends, was Shani's main companion.
                                                                                                                    She would take Shani for shopping
                                                      beauty entered our family                                     and regularly advised her to appreci-
                                                                                                                    ate her life. Nasim was a girl whom
                                                                                                                    we all insisted  on marrying Nasser,
                                                                                                                    but Nasser had closed his eyes to all
                                                                                        for that beautiful slender body   the girls and women around him.
                                                                                        to  get  pregnant!  Of  course,   Nasser and Shani's life was apparently
                                                                                         some nights Shani, our beau-  going smoothly. We even did things to
                                                                                         tiful bride, would cry for two   help her sister. We got a letter from a
                                                                                         hours after seeing the news   local parliamentarian and announced
                     asser, my brother, did not                                          of the war and upset her hus-  our readiness to sponsor her, so that
                     intend  to  remarry after                                            band. We advised my broth-  Shani would calm down a bit. But it
               Nhis  divorce  from his wife                                               er and his wife not to watch   seemed like it was the calm before
               Mahtab. He said that because of her                                        TV news at all. But a few   the storm. One night Nasser called
               high expectations, Mahtab caused                                           nights later, the situation re-  us. "I can't stand it anymore." He said.
               him so much trouble that one day                                           turned to its previous state;   "Come and take this woman."
               he felt like he was going to lose ev-                                       So that one night there   "What happened?" I asked.
               erything he had. During the next four                                       was an argument between   "Tonight, in the war news, she saw her
               years, we introduced many girls and                                         husband and wife. Nasser   husband, who she thought was killed
               women from acquaintances to Nass-                                           called in the middle of   in the war, as she put it. He is staying
               er, but he still stood by his word.                                          the night and said that his   in a camp and is looking for her."
               About eight months ago, we were sit-                                         wife was missing. We all   "You didn't ask your wife why she
               ting in front of the TV one night and                                        frantically searched for   didn't talk to you about this?"
               watching the news of the war between                                         her and called the police.   "She gives the excuse that she was
               Russia and Ukraine. "What beautiful                                           We also called one of   sure her husband was dead."
               women Ukraine has." Nasser said.                                                                     "What does she want to do now?"
               "The poor girls have been displaced                                           the Ukrainian women    "She says she must go to that camp in
               to other countries. While they have in-                                       we had just met. She   Bulgaria as soon as possible to save
               nocent faces, they look like models!"                                         said that she probably   her husband."
               "These women have different cultures                                          went to the Ukrainian   My sister and I immediately went to
               and moral principles." My sister and I                                         consulate;  Maybe  to   see Shani. After two hours, we decided
               told him. "They do not fit within the                                          get information and   that she divorce my brother and move
               framework of Iranian man's desires                                             maybe  to find  a  way   to Bulgaria. She was very happy and
               and ideals."                                                                   back.  The next day,   excited. The divorce was done much
               "Honestly, I feel very sorry for them.                                          we found Shani in    faster than we thought. We sent Shani
               I said to myself, maybe such women                                              front of the consulate.   with a considerable amount of cash
               are good for married life. Because                          vid-          She immediately took refuge   and  two  suitcases  full  of  souvenirs.
               they have suffered a lot and are only   eos of these women via email   in my arms. "Forgive me." She said.   As she disappeared from our sight
               looking for a safe shelter. Some of my   and WhatsApp, and finally, according   "I went crazy when I saw my little sis-  at the airport, I saw my brother bend
               friends said that  they went to these   to his own words, he chose the most   ter among the border refugees. I want   over and sit on the floor. We gathered
               women in Germany, Turkey and Po-  beautiful and innocent one of them   to do something for her. Maybe I can   around him. Nasim hugged him with
               land, and they married them very eas-  and married her. Because the bride   bring her to the US."    her usual kindness and kissed his
               ily. Without any trouble and without   was Ukrainian, it was very easy for   "We'll help you as much as possible,   head. "Don't worry." She said. "We're
               any special expectations from them.   her to enter the country.  We made   but you should also be careful of your   all here for you." I saw my brother's
               Then, they took them to Iran and   good preparations for the arrival of the   husband. He has limited patience. He   tears flow after years.
               Canada.                          bride and groom and invited friends   wants a comfortable life."    No one slept that night. The next day,
               I realized that Nasser badly wanted   and family. So,  when  Nasser came   "I'll try my best."       we got two plane tickets for 2 pm to
               such a wife, who is both beautiful and   in with her bride, he was shocked,   That day, in front of the consulate, a   southern Mexico, booked a hotel, and
               well-shaped,  but  also  suffering  and   standing in front of the door and kept   man told Nasser that you should have   left  the  rest  to  my  brother.  He  was
               seeking refuge, and also, without ex-  thanking us.  The bride hugged and   researched the family history of your   about to go on a trip with Nasim.
               pectations. "If you like these ladies,   kissed everyone, men and women.   wife before getting married. Have   "How beautiful is this girl." My broth-
               go find them." I told him. "But marry   We were all so happy that my brother   she ever been married before or had   er said in my ear at the last moment.
               one of those educated ladies who have   is feeling well, that the bride is show-  a child? Where are her family mem-  "I haven't had a good look at her face
               good families. Then, come back."   ering him with kisses day and night,   bers?  What is her intention of mar-  until today."
               After many phone calls to those friends   and that she is carefully learning to   riage?  And many other questions.   "Her character is even more beauti-
               who had married in this way, Nasser   cook Iranian dishes. In the meantime,   Then, you would be more sure of your   ful." I answered. "You'll love her."
               packed his bags and went to Germany   one thing made me doubt to some ex-  life together.            Three days later, Nasser called. "Ex-
               to marry one of those beautiful ladies.   tent. The bride did not intend to have   That gentleman was right. Unfor-  tend our vacation time. I feel like I'm
               During three weeks, my brother sent   a child at the moment. Honestly, I   tunately, Nasser had only relied on   reborn. I want to start over."
               us more than a hundred photos and   understood her, because it was a pity   Shani's beauty, on her pretty sad eyes.   Translation: Massi Zokaei
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