Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1904
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1902
                                                               Shahrokh, Southern California                        drawn into selling drugs in my bar, a
                                                 For many years, I was cruel,                                       friend informed me that due to vari-
                                                                                                                    ous disturbances and rumors about
                                                       unfair, and indifferent                                      Pouri's and my life, she finally lost
                                                                                                                    her  patience,  packed  her  bags  one
                                                                                                                    day, and left with the children. She
                                                                                                                    went to Mexico to stay away from
                                                                                      one who got me addicted to co-  rumors.
                                                                                                                    "Why Mexico?" I asked.
                                                                                       caine. My happy life changed   "So that maybe as a stranger she can
                                                                                       completely. My relationship
                                                                                       with the dancer and my ad-   be happy among people she doesn't
                                                                                        diction made my behavior    know." He said.
                                                                                        towards Pouri so unfair. I   I heard all these, but I was so shame-
                                                                                                                    less because of the drugs that I felt
                   ouri was the most beauti-                                            beat her several times. I even   like they were telling me a story.
                                                                                        locked her in the garage once
                   ful girl in our neighbor-                                             and if it wasn't for the twins   About six months ago, there was a
              Phood, Chaharsad Dastgah,                                                  crying, she would have     serious fight between me and the
               Air Force. Many football play-                                            stayed there until morning.   dancer; I saw her in the arms of a
               ers and rich kids in the neigh-                                            Because of that dancer,   man. It turned into a physical fight.
               borhood were in love with her.                                             I sold my share to Bijan   Before the police arrived, that wom-
               But Pouri was indifferent to all                                           and went to Las  Vegas    an and her new lover shot me. I was
               of them and behaved in such a                                              with my bank savings. I   injured in my right hand and leg and
               way that hardly anyone would                                                bought  a  night  bar  and   was transferred to the hospital. There
               dare to tease her or offer friend-                                          that woman became my     I told the whole story of my life to a
               ship.                                                                       bar's manager. I would   government lawyer and he came to
               I had a long-standing friendship                                             serve her like a slave. I   my aid. In the meantime, they man-
               with his brother, Homayoun. So,                                              had completely forgot-  aged to arrest them. I found out that
               sometimes I would also go to their                                           ten Pouri and the kids.   they were working with drug deal-
               house and talk to Pouri. I felt that                                         Pouri was working in    ers as well. They closed the bar and I
               she was paying special attention to                                           a clinic to support their   decided to sell it. Soon a good buyer
               me. Once when Homayoun and I                                                  living expenses. I was   was found and I sold the bar with
               beat one of Pouri's stubborn stalk-                                           overwhelmed    with    the help of the same lawyer. Mean-
               ers, Pouri turned to her mother. "If                                           love without any con-  while, I was hospitalized in a clinic
               all the boys in the neighborhood had                                           cern for them.  That   and despite many difficulties, I quit
               the character of Shahrokh," she said,                                          dancer was exchang-   my  addiction. After  many  years,  I
               "the girls would walk safely in the                                         ing kisses with other men   came to my senses and remembered
               streets, and there would be no need                       wear-    in front of my eyes. Once when I   Pouri and my kids. How cruel I was
               for such harsh confrontations."              ing a proper hijab    tried to protest, she sent her police   to them, how indifferent, how mean.
               I shyly thanked her. "Actually, I'm   and was even  given  a  whipping   friend to scare me.         After many years, I returned to Los
               considered a family member," I said.  sentence, but the execution of the   It had been two years since I heard   Angeles. I asked everyone, but no
               Homayoun punched me in the back   sentence was postponed due to the   anything from Pouri. One night she   one knew where Pouri was. Until
               jokingly. "Yes, you are." He said.   influence of her uncle, who worked   called me.                 one day, an old friend sent me her
               "My family is your family."      at the top levels of the regime. We   "One of the kids is sick and in the   address and phone number. I went to
               Although I could go to university, I   kept the documents of this incident.   hospital." She said.   Mexico. In a remote neighborhood,
               decided to continue my father's busi-  In the meantime, I went to one of the   "Take care of the kid yourself." I   in a not-so-clean clinic, I saw Pouri
               ness. But Homayoun went to univer-  government offices to get a license,   said, "I'm busy."         through the window. She was thin
               sity. And Pouri, who loved nursing,   and because of one of the official's   "So let's get a divorce. I want to   and pale, busy working. My heart
               continued her studies in the field.   unreasonable behavior, a heated ar-  know  what  I  should  do  with  my   sank. I cursed myself, hitting my
               Then Homayoun's family moved to   gument broke out between us. He   life."                           head against the wall. Then I went
               Malek Street near the old Shemiran   sued me and made huge accusations   "I'll come if I have time!"   forward, opened the clinic door,
               Road. There was some distance be-  against me due to his influence. I   I heard from a friend that Pouri had   and knelt in front of her. Everyone
               tween us. But I still visited them a   was summoned to court. I conclud-  vacated the house and was living   around us was watching.
               couple of times a month. I was still   ed that the best opportunity to leave   in  a  small  apartment.  Her  brother   "Forgive me," I said tearfully. Then
               in love with Pouri. I wanted to talk   Iran has been provided. I took a lot   Homayoun was also looking for   I turned to others. "You ask her to
               about it with Homayoun in the fu-  of money from my father and we   me  everywhere.  I  knew  very  well   forgive me. Ask this angel, this kind
               ture, in a suitable situation. Finally,   left Iran without informing Pouri's   what I had done to my life, my wife,   mother, this devoted person to for-
               the opportunity came and I talked   family, who were against our immi-  and my children. I knew I had ru-  give me. I was wrong, I was cruel,
               to him. Homayoun was very glad to   gration. We went to Turkey and this   ined everything. I did not want to   I was unfair. But I have returned to
               hear it. Preparations for the marriage   time we applied for asylum with the   face Homayoun and his family. My   make up for everything."
               were made so quickly that one day   documents we had. Our asylum was   friends told me that Pouri works   Pouri came to me and kissed my
               when I opened my eyes, we were on   accepted very soon and six months   day and night and one of her close   head. "I'm not the one who should
               our honeymoon trip to Turkey.    later we went to Europe and then to   friends is taking care of the children.   forgive you." She said. "It's the
               Traveling to Turkey and meeting a   the US. After some time, we bought   Although the kids had grown up and   kids."
               group of Iranian immigrants made   a restaurant in Downtown Los An-  were going to school, they needed a   I hugged her legs and cried. People
               us think of moving to the USA. We   geles with an old friend and our   nurse and a mother. When I heard   around us also cried with me. Sud-
               tried to get a visa, but it was not pos-  business soon flourished. With the   that Pouri had undergone surgery   denly, my now grown-up children
               sible. Then we decided to apply for   birth of our twins, I was filled with   due to breast cancer, I still didn't   came out of a room. They looked at
               asylum, but we had no documents   energy. Meanwhile, Bijan, my part-  come to my senses. Again, I was un-  me shocked and confused.
               and no reason for it. So we decided   ner and old friend, would take me   der the influence of drugs and that   "Daddy?" They both said.
               to return to Iran and try to achieve   to clubs. We would go to Las Vegas   evil woman who had taken over my   It was the most beautiful thing I'd
               this goal. After her return, Pouri was   together on weekends. There I fell   life. I had no will of my own.   heard after so many years.
               once summoned to court for not   in love with a dancer. She was the   After years, when I was gradually      Translation: Massi Zokaei
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