Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue #1918
P. 78

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                              ISSUE No. 1918

                                                                              Haleh, San Francisco                                     JAVANAN
                                                                      The monster of my life in prison

                                                                                  After being expelled from the univer-  dark past behind me and got a job at
                                                                                  sity, I worked hard for two years, and   a well-known law firm with a few ex-
                                                                                  at the same time, I was thinking of   prosecutors as employees.
                                                                                  leaving Iran and continuing my stud-  My mother cried every night on the
                                                                                  ies abroad. One summer, I went to   phone when she found out my chil-
                                                                                  Turkey with my friends and met some   dren were born. She kept saying she
                                                                                  families at our hotel; They had come   wanted to see her grandchildren. Af-
                                                                                  from the USA. One of those families   ter a few months, I decided to talk to
                                                                                  was interested in me from day one.   her.
               For as long as I can remember, I                                   They told me they had a brother in   "I'll arrange for you and my brother to
               have been told that my father died in a                            the US and that I was the best one   come here," I said to her. "But Hamed
               car accident. My younger brother was                               for him. I told them that I had not yet   must not come with you."
               also injured and my mother survived.                               met and didn't know their brother, so I   "If Hamed finds out about this, he
               It always made me wonder who was                                   could not agree with such an opinion.   won't  let  your  brother  come."  my
               responsible for the incident. Later, a                             Then, one day their brother entered   mother said
               clue was found and the errant driver                               the hotel. He had come there at the   "Ok, but he can't step into my house."
               was arrested. After this incident, my                     came     insistence of his mother and sister.   With the help of documents and of-
               mother had many suitors because of          to me. When she asked   He  and his  family invited  me  and   ficial invitations from the law firm,
               her pretty face  and  attractive  body.   me what happened, I lied to her. I   my friends to a disco that night. He   my mother, my brother Behrouz and
               My uncle also suggested one of his   said I saw a giant bee in my room. I   started talking to me in the crowded   Hamed came to the US. Mansour met
               close friends, Hamed. My grandfa-  could see Hamed from a distance; he   disco and over time I felt that he was   them at the airport and took Hamed
               ther and my mother agreed to this   showed me his long             the man of my life. He said that after   to a hotel. That night I talked with my
                                                                                  the experience of marrying a Pana-
               marriage. I was 10 years old when   knife. Nothing happened that night.   manian girl, who ruined his life, he   mother until dawn. She told me that
               we went to a new house and, as my   Fortunately, Hamed did not come to   had avoided any kind of friendship   Hamed also raped five girls; neigh-
               brother says, found a new father. He   my room again, but I did not dare   or marriage for eight years, and now   bors and relatives. He had also caused
               had a big house; With a pool and a big   to tell this horrible event even to my   seeing me, he felt that I was the ideal   financial damage to some people. My
               yard. It was like heaven for me and   mother. Several times I had seen   girl, his other half.      mother said that one of those girls'
               my brother.                      Hamed  treat  my  mother  with  vio-  My friends and I were supposed to   fathers had castrated Hamed, but
               Six months had passed since we en-  lence. Once he even pushed her down   return to Iran after ten days, but Man-  Hamed did not inform the police out
               tered that house when I suddenly   from the top of the stairs and caused   sour changed our plane tickets and   of fear.
               woke up one night and saw my na-  injuries to my mom's hands and feet.   paid for our hotel room. We extended   The next morning, Hamed called me.
               ked stepfather standing next to me.   This made me realize that Hamed is   our trip for another seven days. Fi-  "These twins look like me, Right?!"
               I wanted to scream out of fear, but   a dangerous person. I was forced to   nally, he asked me to marry him and   He said.
               Hamed covered my mouth with his   keep quiet. Although, in all the years   at the insistence of his family and my   I was mad with rage and hung up the
               hand and put a knife under my throat.   that followed, I always jumped at any   friends, I talked to my mother on the   phone.
               He told me not to scream, otherwise,   sound from behind the room door   phone. Then, one night, I told Man-  I talked to the lawyers in our office
               he would kill me, my mother, and my   or window. I hated every man who   sour the whole story about Hamed   and told them the whole story. They
               brother. I was speechless, my body   looked like Hamed. During the whole   and what happened that night. He   said they could sue Hamed legally if
               was numb and I was shaking violent-  high school period, despite dozens   hugged me warmly and promised he   they got evidence from Iran. With my
               ly. Then, Hamed raped me. Since I   of offers from neighborhood boys, I   would make me forget about the bit-  mother's guidance, I found three of
               was bleeding, he bandaged me, forc-  completely avoided everyone. When   terness of that incident and take my   his victims within ten days. One was
               ibly gave me some pills, and told me   I imagined how I would explain that   revenge one day. I finally got married   in Iran, the other in the Netherlands,
               not to forget what he said. Then he   dark memory if I decided to get mar-  to Mansour. he was supposed to ap-  and the third in Dubai. They helped to
               left the room.                   ried in the future, I would shudder   ply for my visa through the American   complete the case against Hamed by
               I didn't sleep that night. I cried in my   and tell myself that maybe it would   embassy.  To my surprise, my visa   phone and email.
               bed, writhed in pain, and talked to   be better if I never got married.   was issued within ten days. I said   Twenty  days  ago,  Hamed  was
               God. The next morning, I did not go   After high school, I took the univer-  goodbye to my mother on the phone,   brought to the court in handcuffs. The
               to the breakfast table because I was   sity entrance exam and was accepted   said goodbye to my friends, and came   court sentenced him to 12 years in an
               afraid that Hamed would cause harm   into law school. In my senior year,   to the US to begin my new life.   American prison and then deportation
               to my mother and brother. I decided   due to political events at the univer-  When Mansour found out that my   to Iran. At that moment, I looked at
               to keep all that sadness, fear, and pain   sity, I was expelled. I should also   studies at the university were incom-  my mother. Her face was calm and
               to myself.                       add that after high school, I became   plete, he encouraged me to pursue it.   peaceful.
                hardly slept at night for a week. Ev-  my friend's roommate for a while, I   My friends in Iran sent me my last   "I saw the humiliation in his eyes, the
               ery night I put the small table in my   also worked in a company in the af-  university documents. But in the end,   monster of all the painful years of my
               room behind the door. Hearing every   ternoons and only visited my mother   I started studying at the university   life," she whispered. "I'll sleep sound-
               sound, I would wake up in sheer ter-  once a week; only when Hamed was   from the beginning. With a husband   ly tonight."
               ror. A week later, Hamed again came   not at home. Sometimes my mother   like Mansour and his passionate love,   I hugged her. "I, too, will sleep peace-
               to my room in the middle of the night.   asked me why I hated Hamed. I didn't   my whole being was full of energy   fully. I won't have nightmares any-
               I jumped out of the window of my   have a good explanation for her, so I   and hope for the future. After gradu-  more."
               room when I saw him. At the sound   would just tell her I was disturbed by   ation, my twins were born and my   Farsi Text on Page 7
               of my scream, my mom woke up and   the way he treated her.         world changed entirely. I put all that

                JAVANAN INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY MAGAZINE (ISSN# 1087-4682) PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JAVANAN, INC. 24629 Calvert St. Woodland Hills, CA 91367-
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