Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue #1905
P. 78

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1902
                                                                      Bahar, New York                               me to get a new passport and leave
                                                 I searched the lands to find my                                    for Dubai quietly. There, my uncle's
                                                                                                                    friends were waiting for me. For-
                                                                        lost love                                   tunately, I was supported by some
                                                                                                                    kind families in Dubai and tasted
                                                                                                                    happiness and peace again, although
                                                                                                                    my heart was empty of love.
                                                                                      out with him, get to know him,   In Dubai, I got a US visa with the
                                                                                       and then decide!"            help of a government employee who
                                                                                       After  two  dates,  I  told  my   was an acquaintance of my uncle's
                                                                                       story to that man, and for-  friends. At the New York airport, I
                                                                                        tunately, according to my   was greeted by one of my uncle's
                                                                                        request, he made my father   friends and his family. They intro-
                                                                                        understand that his daughter   duced me to a charity foundation
                                                                                                                    and because of my capabilities and
                   hadmehr and I were in                                                 was not mentally balanced   fluency in three languages, the char-
                   love. We have loved each                                              and it was better not to get   ity foundation applied for a green
              Sother  since  childhood.                                                  married at all.            card for me.
               Shadmehr was my constant sup-                                              Unfortunately, my father
               porter. As we grew up, we real-                                            did not give up.  With-   I spent my days in that foundation.
               ized that this interest is actually                                        out my knowledge, he      Salary was not important to me; I
               love.  At 16, we confessed our                                             arranged  an  unwanted    was immersed in helping the chil-
               love  to  each  other  and  decided                                         marriage with one of his   dren of a kindergarten and elemen-
               to get married in the future, but                                           employees.  But  on the   tary school. I worked from 7 am to
               we both knew that there would be                                            day of  the wedding,  I   7 pm. No one saw a sign of fatigue
               many problems due to religious                                               cut a vein in my hand   on my face, nor heard a complaint
               differences.                                                                 and they took me to     from  my  mouth.  This  established
                                                                                                                    my position as the head of an im-
               We both continued our studies, be-                                           the hospital. I almost   portant part of the foundation within
               came school teachers, and decided                                             died due to a blood    four years.
               to leave Iran and join each other                                             disease and my blood
               there.  We were preparing to get a                                            being thin.  After this   In this kindergarten and elementary
               passport when we realized that girls                                          incident,  my  mother   school, I knew the children by their
               needed their father's permission to                                            stood  up  to  my fa-  first  names.  Usually,  we  were  not
               get a passport and leave the country.                                          ther. "Leave this girl   allowed to access their documents
               So, we decided to get married se-                                              alone." She said.     and family history. I am saying this
               cretly and leave Iran as husband and                      From     "You've  made  her  sick  and  mad   because I was once curious to know
               wife. In a remote office, we received         that day on, I locked   and you're still torturing her?"  the cause of a 5-year-old girl's ex-
               the marriage documents by paying a   myself in                     My father finally gave up. "You're   cessive distress, but the foundation
               bribe, and then we bought tickets to                               truly crazy." He said. "Just live and   official told me that they would in-
               travel to Turkey by bus.                                           die with your madness!"           vestigate the matter themselves.
               A week before our leaving, my fa-  my room. I didn't call anyone and   It was two years after these events   I remember it was two weeks ago
                                                didn't bother to meet people. I could
               ther accidentally found my pass-  hardly even eat and was extremely   that I started looking for Shadmehr. I   that I saw signs of familiarity in the
               port and marriage documents in   thin and  emaciated. One day my   wanted to know where was the only   eyes of a 6-year-old boy among the
               my closet. A big fight happened at   mother talked to me.          love of my life. What did he do af-  children. I don't know why I saw a
               home. My elder sister was going to                                 ter the divorce and breakup? Once   shadow of Shadmehr in that inno-
               get married in two months.       "Why are you doing this to your-  when I tried to talk to his sister, she   cent face. I unintentionally showed
                                                                                                                    him special attention, so that he
               "Not only will I lock you at home   self?" She said. "Why are you de-  screamed and hung up the phone   became very attached to me. He
                                                stroying yourself? Maybe you'll be
               and destroy all your marriage, pass-  able to leave Iran someday. At least   so hard that I didn't dare to call his   would hug me tightly when saying
               port, and travel documents, but I'll   keep your health."          family anymore. Then, I went to so-  goodbye.
               also cancel your sister's marriage,"                               cial media to find him, but he didn't
               My father shouted, "Unless you   My mother's words made me think.   leave a sign anywhere.           "But your mother is waiting for
                                                                                                                    you," I told him one day when he
               come to the courthouse with me and   After that, I was laughing on the   Then, I happened to meet one of his   wouldn't leave.
               ask for a divorce."              outside but crying inside.  While I   friends who already knew about our
               I did not sleep that night. I was not   was going to English and Spanish   love in a store. "You did such an in-  "I don't have a mother." He said.
                                                classes and teaching in schools, I
               able to contact Shadmehr either. My                                justice to Shadmehr that he was fed   I was very sad to hear that.
               mother and sisters begged me to do   was also thinking about continuing   up with life," he said angrily. Shad-  One day I got curious and went to
               whatever my father wanted and end   another field of study.        mehr wandered in Turkey for three   the building behind the school to see
               this mess, otherwise our lives would   Two years after my sister's marriage,   years and then went to the US. No   who would take him home. From
               be ruined. With tearful eyes, I went   many suitors came to our house. I   one knows where he is. He is not   that distance, I saw a familiar face
               to court with my father and, as he re-  used to make excuses for each of   even in touch with his family. You   and froze in surprise. I could not
               quested, filed for divorce due to re-  them. Whenever a family came to   wronged him gravely."       believe my eyes. It was Shadmehr.
               ligious differences and Shadmehr's   propose, I would do unreasonable                                my dear Shadmehr. He was sitting
               political background. The influence   things without my father knowing   Hearing this news broke my heart   behind the wheel.
               of my father's friends and our seem-  so that they would leave and never   and I became more depressed. But
               ingly convincing reasons caused the   come back. This caused my father to   my mother again encouraged me to   I ran to his car. "Shadmehr," I shout-
               judge to issue the divorce decree in   stop the suitors from coming for a   leave Iran and start an independent   ed. "My lost love! I'm here!"
               absentia and inform Shadmehr two   while. But then, he introduced me to   peaceful life.             Shadmehr jumped out of the car and
               days later so that he would also be   his friend's son. "This gentleman is   In the meantime, my great-uncle   we hugged each other like there was
               present to sign the divorce papers.   your future husband." He said. "Go   came to my aid and arranged for   no tomorrow. "my God!" Shadmehr
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