Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1886
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1885
                                                                 Nahid from: San Francisco                          made me prepare breakfast, lunch and
                                                     That night, the house and the whole                            dinner and introduced me as his wife

                                                 neighborhood was filled with police cars,                          in several parties, which caused a lot of
                                                                                                                    surprise. We were at least 35 years apart
                                                            fire trucks and ambulance                               in age and it was quite evident. Isn't it a
                                                                                                                    pity that you fell into the hands of such
                                                                                                                    a man? Some men around Manouchehr
                                                                                                                    kept whispering in my ear. He can't do
                                                                                       of you and my daughter."     anything. He cannot meet the needs of
                                                                                       "How about we both make a mar-  a young woman like you. And I would
                                                                                       riage of convenience with Amer-  say, Manouchehr is my husband, my
                                                                                       ican citizens and run away from   brother, my father, my everything!
                                                                                        here."                      After a while, Manouchehr wanted me
                                                                                        "How can I accept you going   to sleep next to him at night. As his le-
                    fter a year and a half of                                           under the same roof with an-  gal wife, I had no choice. Gradually he
                    trying, my husband Be-
              Ahzad, my daughter Roya                                                    other man?"                would ask me to kiss him, massage him
               and I finally sold our apartment                                          "I'll  not  tolerate  such  a  situ-  while showering and drink wine togeth-
               in Shiraz and came to Tehran. We                                          ation either. But by paying a   er. I didn't know what to do, but I had to
               wanted to decide for our future with                                       high  amount  and  signing  a   deal with him somehow. I let him kiss
               the guidance of our friends in Iran                                        contract, we can get a com-  me against my will.
               and the United States. It had been                                         mitment from them not to   Finally, one night he told me what he
               two years since an influential gov-                                         bother us in any way." With   had in mind. "Honestly, being by your
               ernment person in Shiraz wanted me                                          these thoughts, we were   side, your touch, your kiss has revived
               to divorce my husband and have a                                            a little relieved and went   me. Now I feel fully capable of sex."
               temporary marriage with him. We met                                         looking for the proper op-  I was shocked. "But you promised not
               this man for the first time at a wedding.                                    tions.                  to have any relationship with me."
               From the first encounter, he started ha-                                     Very  soon, we  found   "But you are my wife. You must obey
               rassing me and gave me his business                                          someone for Behzad, but   me."
               card insistently. Then he used his sister                                     she demanded 20 thou-  "According to our contract, I'll not sleep
               to communicate with me. He said that                                          sand dollars. At the same   with you under any circumstances, even
               he is ready to take me around the world                                       time, four people agreed   if it leads to a divorce and my leaving
               and provide me with the most glorious                                          to marry me on the con-  here."
               life. He said if we are compatible in ev-                                      dition that they have no   "I won't lose you again." he shouted.
               ery way after the temporary marriage                                           contact with me. They   "You've become my saving angel. You
               period is over, we will officially get                                         wanted 8 to 15 thou-  gave me my life back. This is injustice
               married and he will take me to his house                                        sand dollars. After sev-  to me, who have given my whole life to
               in London to be his second wife.                                                eral dates with them,   you. My expectation is not illegal."
               I told him, his sister and his intermediar-                                     checking their char-  "I'm leaving this house tonight."
               ies every time that I love my husband                                            acter and research-  Manouchehr  was  very  angry.  He  at-
               and my daughter. I told him I would                                              ing their life in the   tacked me and I fell on the glass table in
               never leave them. Unfortunately, the                                             US, we chose Ma-    the middle of the room. The glass broke
               man did not give up and this time he                                              nouchehr. He had   and I was injured. My hands, feet and
               started threatening me. I will have your                                          been living there   face were bleeding.
               husband arrested for smuggling and im-                                          for  30  years,  he  was   "Call an ambulance." I shouted
               prisoned for 30 years, he said. Now the                  alized    almost old, his wife had died of cancer   "They'll arrest me." He said.
               decision is yours. Do you choose misery       that the man had fol-  and he just wanted a companion. He   I had to call 911 myself. Half an hour
               and loneliness, or traveling around the   lowed me even to Turkey. I realized that   even said that he was unable to have sex   later, the house and the whole neighbor-
               world with dance and happiness?  this creature is more dangerous than   after a surgery. Behzad and I got an ex-  hood was filled with police cars, fire
               Several times my husband decided to   I thought. Three nights later, the same   pedient divorce and prepared the neces-  trucks and ambulance. Manouchehr was
               confront him. He even talked to several   woman spoke to me very kindly. "I'm   sary documents. I married Manouchehr   sitting pale and trembling in the corner.
               city officials. They said they do not have   worried about you dear." She said. "You   and we deposited 15 thousand dollars   They took me to the hospital. When I
               the power to fight him. We had to sell   deserve a glorious life with this beauti-  into his account. He was supposed to re-  saw Manouchehr's condition, I told the
               our  5-bedroom  apartment  facing  the   ful body and magical face. "I'm afraid   turn to the US and arrange my trip. Two   police that this incident happened be-
               park and transfer everything we have   that one day, out of nowhere, someone   and a half months later, I finally left for   cause of my mistake. From a distance,
               to my brother's bank account in Tehran.   will throw acid on your pretty face in   the US. I was very sad because of be-  I saw Manouchehr silently thanking me.
               Then we secretly fled from Shiraz and   one of the streets of Istanbul and make   ing away from Behzad and my daugh-  I returned home after 24 hours. Ma-
               told our friends to report our presence   the world dark for you."  ter, but anyway, all these work were to   nouchehr kissed my hands. "You've
               in two family weddings, so that the man   I jumped up angrily. "Are you threaten-  escape from that lewd dangerous man,   saved me by your mercy." He said. "I'll
               would not follow us.             ing me?" I asked. "I'll go to the police   not for the green card. We agreed with   treat you like my sister until the day you
               Then, we came to Turkey. We did ev-  today and file a complaint against you   Behzad that if something goes wrong,   get your green card. I'll even apply for
               erything we could to get a visa, but to   and that bastard."       I will give up the green card and leave   the visa of your husband and daughter."
               no avail. After eight months of living   "I'm leaving now. My luggage is by the   there.             And he kept his promise.
               in hardship and waiting, one day I met   door. Go ahead. Tell them to come to   Every time, Behzad would give the ex-  The day we went to meet Behzad and
               a woman at our hotel. She simply told   the airport to stop me."   cuse that the women he met don't seem   my daughter at San Francisco airport,
               me that the man has a message for me.   I was angry with all her insolence, but   like good people and he has to choose   they both hugged me tightly. "From
               Come back, he had said. Do as I say and   there was nothing I could do.  one of them carefully so that we don't get   now  on, I entrust my sister  to  you."
               be happy, before you are displaced in   I talked to Behzad that night. The poor   into trouble. I was very sad to be away   Manouchehr said to my husband. And
               foreign countries and become insane.   man  was  scared. "Let's  go  to  another   from my daughter. I was in regular con-  I thanked with my tears.
               This message shook me to the core. I re-  country." He said. "I fear for the future   tact with her. On this side, Manouchehr   Translation: Massi Zokaei
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