Page 79 - Javanan Issue#1909_Neat
P. 79

ISSUE No. 1909
               From The Desk Of The Editor
                                                                Mahbubeh, Toronto, Canada

                                                  To get here, I went to the brink of death several                 law, who worked in a government
                                                                                                                    office, proposed to me. I was still
                                                                                                                    not ready, but seeing the great af-
                                                                                  my honesty and sense of respon-   fection and attention he showed
                                                                                  sibility. "I'll give you 40 percent   me, I gradually became interested
                                                                                  of this workshop's shares." She   in him. We got married the same
                                                                                  said.  "Now  you  can  work  more   year. Sohrab also joined our busi-
                                                                                  comfortably.  Then, she gave me   ness and brought us better facili-
                                                                                  an independent room with all the   ties. We were at the height of our
                                                                                  facilities in her big house. "Your   success when Shila was diagnosed
                                                                                  presence in my house makes me     with breast cancer. I panicked and
                                                                                  feel safe." She said. "I never want   took her to every doctor I could
               It was 28 years ago that I                                         to be away from you. you're the   find. I was so scared that I neglect-
               found out on a cold winter                                         symbol of blessing and humanity."  ed to take care of myself and lost
               night  that  my  husband,  Meh-                                    Since Mehrdad and the children    20 pounds. I was afraid of losing
               rdad, is temporarily married to                                    had moved to a bigger house       Shila like I lost Soheyla. I could
               a young woman and sleeps with                                      around  Karaj,  I  completely  lost   not bear the pain anymore. Fortu-
               her in the same apartment most                                     contact  with them.  Soheyla,  the   nately, comprehensive treatments
               nights. I heard that he takes my                                   workshop owner, had been sick     yielded good results. In those days,
               two daughters and my only son                                      for about three years, and despite   Shila's husband also had a heart
               to shopping, movies, and res-                                       my nursing and compassionate     attack. I kept talking to God and
               taurants with  that woman, that                                     care, she passed away one morn-  begging him not to take my loved
               woman buys various gifts for the                        work-      ing. I was devastated because, af-  ones away from me now that I had
               children with my husband's mon-      ing in a tailor shop into my   ter that huge heartbreak from my   reached a peaceful life. I only had
               ey and pretends to spend her own   handbag, and left the house in   family, my only spiritual refuge   them in my little world. Sometime
               money on them. One night, due to   the freezing weather. I took the   was Soheyla. Then I was surprised   later, Shila's husband regained his
               Mehrdad's negligence, we did not   bus  to  the  house  of  a  colleague   by another strange news. Soheyla   health. The doctors had high hopes
               have electricity or gas. I heated the   in the tailor shop.  The  woman   had given her houses, villas, and   for Shila's recovery, and I worked
               house with two small oil heaters. I   lived alone. She welcomed me   her bank savings to her two sons   day and night with Sohrab so that
               was waiting for Mehrdad to come   kindly. I told her everything. She   and had left all her share, even the   our business would not suffer. Fi-
               and decide for his future, me and   cried with me. "Stand on your   tailor shop, to me. I cried when   nally, that blessed day arrived and
               the children. I thought the children   own feet." She said. “Leave them.   I heard this news.  What a kind   Shila's doctor announced that the
               would defend me and blame their   They don't know you anymore."    knowledgeable lady she was.       test results had come and the can-
               father. When Mehrdad came back,   A week later, I found a job in a big   I don't know why I couldn't bear   cer had been eradicated. I sang
               I started talking. "Why?" I shouted.  tailor shop. I was supposed to work   the hard work or even stay in Iran.   and danced with joy. We arranged
               Mehrdad answered my question     there from 7 am to 10 pm. After 20   I found Shila, one of my school-  to have a big party on Shila's
               with several hard slaps.  To my   days, the owner, who was a kind   mates through an acquaintance in   birthday, which was a day later.
               great surprise, my children de-  lady, prepared a room for me on the   Canada. When she came to know   That day, I woke up at 5 am, deco-
               fended their father. "Our father   top floor of the tailor shop. "Stay   about my life story, she was very   rated the hall in the most elegant
               has the right to have four wives,   here." She said. "You don't have to   upset. She promised me she would   way, and got in touch with the ca-
               let alone a temporary one," they   pay for rent anymore. Fortunately,   help me in any way possible. In-  tering about the food and reception.
               told  me.  "Why  do  you  oppose?   the heater here is always warm."  deed, she remained faithful to her   Many guests were invited. At four
               Doesn't our great-aunt live with   Whenever I missed my children,   word. After six months, she finally   in the afternoon, the walls were cov-
               her husband's second wife? Hasn't   I would watch them from a dis-  hugged me at  the  Toronto air-  ered with colorful lights and every-
               our neighbor calmly dealt with   tance.  Then, I would deeply en-  port. "I promise you will find true   where was full of music and dance.
               her husband's other two wives?"  gage in work so as not to feel the   peace in this country." She said.
               In a moment I felt empty. I felt ex-  bitterness of the times. I heard that   Shila was a kind helpful friend.   Suddenly, Sohrab approached
               tremely alone in that house; It was   Mehrdad had taken that woman   She immediately arranged my stay   me. "There are three people at
               as if I had no one in this boundless   home saying to her that I got angry   in the country. After a few months   the door," Sohrab said. "They
               world; as if no one could hear me   and went to my family in Shiraz.  of living in her house, she bought   ask your permission to come in."
               crying. I looked at my children.   After a year, through a friend, I   me  a  house and suggested  that I   "Today I welcome every gues
               "Why are you saying this?" I told   told Mehrdad to divorce me. He,   start my work in the way of To-  who comes here," I said.
               Sima and Mina, my daughters.     who had many friends in the judi-  ronto life. She said she would be   "Even those who wronged you?"
               "Mom," they both answered.       ciary, divorced me in absentia due   my partner and my guide. We both   I did not wait for Sohrab to continue.
               "You should be grateful that     to disobedience and running away   started working. It took a year until   I opened the door and faced my chil-
               your life is secured financially."  from home. I finally felt a heavy   we finally managed to design and   dren; The children who were now
               "Mom," my son said. "Roya is     weight lifted off my shoulders.   produce suitable clothes accord-  grown taller and more beautiful.
               a kind generous woman. She       I was working 16 hours a day and   ing to the stores' and boutiques'   "Mom," said Sima. "Will you
               wants to come here to meet you."  surprisingly, I was not tired at all.   demands. After two years, I finally   forgive us?"
               At  that  moment,  I  felt  that  I  no   Because of all these efforts, the   felt that a good future awaits our   I opened my arms to them.  All
               longer had a place in that house. I   owner entrusted almost all the   business. The quality of our work,   the  guests were  watching  and
               felt like a stranger among them. I   work to me and went on a three-  Shila, her husband, and my hard   crying along with us. My chil-
               had no strength to fight anymore.   month trip to visit her grandchil-  work, gave life to this new busi-  dren couldn't stop crying and I
               At midnight, I packed my suitcase   dren in Canada. I did everything   ness. Our income increased so   was just laughing and singing.
               with clothes and necessities, put   to the best of my ability. When she   much that I did not even imagine
               the small savings I had saved from   returned, she was amazed to see   it. Then, Sohrab, Shila's brother-in-

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