Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1885
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1885
                                                                         Jaleh from Iran                            until dawn. How many nights we
                                                             A DIVORCE THAT WAS                                     didn't sleep at all and went to school
                                                                                                                    with red puffy eyes and you didn't
                                                         THE WISH OF MY CHILDREN                                    even see.

                                                                                                                    Did you ever realize when I went
                                                                                                                    through childhood and adolescence,
                                                                                                                    mom? Did you ever see my tears at
                                                                                       of divorce.                  night? Do you know how much I miss
                                                                                       My  only  reason  for  accepting   your hugs, your caressing hands, your
                                                                                       this situation and tolerating this   encouraging words? Do you know
                                                                                        man was my children. My kids   that my heart  burned  with these re-
                                                                                        were only 10, 13, and 15 years
                    ne night, after a long                                                                          grets at the beginning of adolescence?
                    noisy fight with my hus-                                            old. I said to myself that I will   Did you know what was going on at
              Oband, my 15-year-old                                                      endure all these sufferings   our school? Did you know that my
               daughter quietly came into my                                             until my little birds learn to   brother wrote the most emotional
               room and sat next to me.                                                   fly, then I will leave this man   and tragic story? Did you know that
               "Mommy," she said. "When will                                              forever.  With  this  reason-  my sister drew the most expressive
               you  put an end to  these  terrible                                        ing, I endured this marriage   painting and brought tears to the eyes
               fights?"                                                                    for many years. Until that   of hundreds of people with the paint-
               "Whenever you grow up." I said,                                             night when my daughter   ing that showed a girl in her mother's
               wiping my tears. "Whenever you                                              shook me with her words.   arms?
               start your independent life. Whenev-                                         She made me understand   I wish you would divorce in the first
               er I don't worry about you anymore."                                         that I have been wrong   years, mom. Then, at least we would
               My daughter took my hands in her                                              all these years, that I   sleep comfortably at night, we would
               small and trembling ones. "Can I                                              have not heard their   open our eyes to life with hope, we
               please ask you to break up? For us?                                           heart's desire correctly.   would have the opportunity to at least
               Please end these fights for our sake."                                         "You  never  saw  us."   take refuge in your arms. I wish you
               I stared at her in astonishment.                                               My daughter said.     would divorce in the first years, so
               My husband and I also had a conflict                                           "You had never seen   that we would not have suffered for so
               in Iran. My husband was a patriarch                                             our secret tears, our   many years, we would not have borne
               dictator. He used to say that whatever                                          pain.  Over the years,
               a man says is an order and whatever                                             every time your noc-  the burden of this heavy sadness on
               he wants must be done. He used to say                                            turnal fights started,   our weak shoulders in the most pas-
               that a man is the king of the house. Ac-                                         we  each  took ref-  sionate years of our lives. I wish you
               cording to the culture in which I grew                                            uge in a corner, hid   had parted ways in the early years, so
               up, I was subservient to him to some                                              under our blankets   that we would know the sweet taste of
               extent, but sometimes I got frustrated,                                           and covered our    adolescence and the beginning years
               rebelled, ran away from his house and                              ears, wiped away our tears and wait-  of our adulthood."
               sought refuge in my mother's home.                        cause    ed for the house to calm down so we   I hugged my daughter and cried with
               But unfortunately, my mother would         of my children. I had   could fall asleep with exhaustion, to   her for all these wasted years.  The
               send me back after a few hours. You   hopes for the future. Little by little,                        next day, I took my husband to a res-
               have to deal with the hardships of your   we got used to living in a new country.   start another sad day.  taurant to talk. I asked him to end this
               life, she would say. You're the mother   My husband started his own business.   For years, we've been going to school   chaotic life. I asked him to part ways
               of three children. You're responsible   I also helped him. But now we had   every morning tired and depressed.   with me. I said we should decide what
               for them. You should no longer think   two scenes to our fights; Home and   For years, we've been sitting in the   to do with this life before the sad dawn
               only of yourself.                workplace.                        classroom, pale and sleepy. For years,   of another day. I simply wasted all
               The day my husband decided to emi-  Several times our fights led to meet-  we've not responded to the invitations   those years that I thought I endured
               grate, I was full of joy; I had heard   ings with a psychologist and even a   of our classmates and friends.  And   everything for  the sake  of the  chil-
               that the current laws in Europe and the   meeting with a divorce lawyer. It was   we've not dared to invite anyone, lest   dren, I told him. I destroyed the good
               United States support women, respect   at this time that my husband realized   someone find out about the disaster in   years of our life for myself and for my
               their  rights,  and  domestic  violence   that he does not have all the rights in   our house. For years, we have been   children.
               are met with a harsh legal response.   this country. He realized that I also   isolated and lonely in school, in class   My husband came to his senses, but
               This made me play a persuasive role   have rights as a human being. For ex-  and in the neighborhood, and no one   it doesn't matter to me anymore. I got
               in our immigration issue. And finally,   ample, not only half of everything he   knows the reason except ourselves.   to know life anew through the eyes of
               we came to this country. During this   had belonged to me, but he had to pay   How many nights we held each other,   my 15-year-old daughter and I know
               period, we would still get into huge   all my and our children's expenses.   trembled and cried at the height of   that this deep knowledge will deter-
               fights, leading to arguments and even   Knowing about these, he apparently   your fights and beatings. How many   mine a different destiny for me.
               beatings. But I tried to be patient be-  gave up and did not pursue the issue   nights our terrified shivering lasted   Translation: Massi Zokaei
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