Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1914
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                              ISSUE No. 1914

                                                                                      Niloufar, Turkey                                     JAVANAN

                                                        Honorable human beings helped me cross the border

                                                                                      out attending court, and then send her   suitcases and now she was at her kind
                                                                                      to her father's house empty-handed.  friend's home and would never return.
                                                                                      I suffered for four years. Every time   At that moment, I decided to leave
                                                                                      I sought refuge with my mother,   Iran. I renewed my passport with the
                                                                                      she would say that I was not grate-  help of one of the ladies who came
                                                                                      ful at all, that I did not understand   to the  salon  every week;  Her hus-
                                                                                      the  true meaning of  misery with   band worked at the passport office. I
                                                                                      the prosperous life I had. Then, one   got help from ladies there and got a
                                                                                      day,  they didn't let me into their   friend's address and phone number
                                                                                      house anymore. Treat your husband   in Istanbul. I was ready to leave the
                   From the very first day when                                       well,  they  said.  Every  man  has  a   country.In the last week before leav-
                   Habib came to propose to me with                                   flaw and eventually, it will be fixed.   ing, I pretended that I had a headache
                   his mother, I noticed that he was star-                            One of my friends found me a job   and stayed at my parent's house for a
                   ing at my younger sister with a dirty                              in a hairdressing salon. I told Habib.   whole day. I hugged and kissed my
                   look. I talked to my mother that night.                            He simply accepted. "So, from     family as much as I could and said
                   "He's not a good man," I said.                                     now on, you don't need money      goodbye to them in my mind. I se-
                   But  my  mother  disagreed.  "What                                 for your own needs and house-     cretly gave my little sister some cash
                   do you want from a husband?"                              want."   hold supplies." He said. "And may-  to buy herself whatever she wanted.
                   She said. "He has his own house,              Habib     pressured  be you can save some money!"      My sister was shocked to see all that
                   a car, a shop, and his father is rich."  me so much that I had to consent.   I worked in that hairdressing salon   money and kissed me. Without any-
                   "But this  man  has a rov-        Sometime later, he told me he had   from 8 am to 8 pm. At the end of the   one knowing, I did what I had to do
                   ing eye. He's a philanderer."     married a woman and temporarily   day, most women hurried to their   and bought a bus ticket. I had heard
                   "You have no experience with men.   settled her in an apartment. For this   homes thinking of the warmth of   that was the safest way. I knew that
                   It's better to obey your father and   reason, he did not come home most   their families, loving husbands, and   Habib would not come home for
                   build your future with this man!"  nights and I stayed at home alone. For   waiting children. I was the only one   at least a few days, So I packed my
                   The families agreed to the marriage   fear of the family's reputation, I did   who would stay there until the end   suitcase and left the house. I had gone
                                                     not share the  problem with anyone.
                   that  night,  and  despite  my  objec-                             and then return home, tired and dis-  halfway by bus when one of my col-
                   tions, the wedding arrangements   After about a year, Habib changed   appointed,  to  cry alone  in the dark.  leagues called me.
                   were made. Of course, during that   his mind. "You were right." He said.   In the same salon, another suffering   "Your husband is looking for you." She
                                                     "It is unfair to kick this woman out
                   time, Habib showed a kind, polite   after giving birth. Let the child reach   woman named Sholeh worked. Like   said. "He thinks you are leaving Iran!"
                   and generous face. "I was in love   the age of seven, then I'll give her   me, her body was always bruised, and   At that moment, I explained every-
                   with you for a year." He said. "My   good money and divorce her." On   her  eyes  were  full  of  pain.  Save  as   thing to the people around me on the
                   biggest dream was to marry you. I   those days, I felt very confused. I of-  much as you can, she would say. May-
                   promise to make you the best pos-  ten preferred not to pay attention to   be one day we will run away together   bus;  The story of my husband and
                   sible  life.  I'll  make  you  happy."  Habib's words at all. But when Habib   and go somewhere on the other side   what I had suffered, the beatings I had
                                                                                                                        received from him, and the possibility
                   Our life started with a honeymoon in   started his supposedly business trips   of the world. On that day, we will find   that he would come to the border to
                   Turkey. it was a good trip. Habib was   to  Turkey, Malaysia, and Dubai, I   peace and taste the sweetness of life.   find me. When most passengers heard
                   still an ogler, but I tried to convince   felt that there was a serious relation-  I examined all aspects of our goal,   my life story, they said they would
                   myself that he was used to living this   ship between him and a woman. I   including savings, the possibility   help me. We'll hide your travel docu-
                   way. I told myself that all men must be   decided to ask my friends for help.   of leaving Iran and seeking asylum
                   like this; Indeed, most male relatives   I  was  surprised  that most of  them   abroad. I used to talk to travelers who   ments if necessary, they said. We'll re-
                   and acquaintances were also like that.  knew about Habib's secret relation-  came to Iran from other countries, I   move your name from the list of pas-
                   I bought everything I wanted in   ships and in some cases, their own   would get detailed information and   sengers and talk to the border officers.
                   Turkey. On the pretext of meet-   husbands. At the same time, Habib   pass it all on to Sholeh. One day,   On that day, I realized that honor-
                                                                                                                        able human beings live among us.
                   ing  friends  and  buying  clothes  and   impressed my father with his flatter-  Sholeh called from a hospital. She   Even among the border officers,
                   jewelry for himself and his shop,   ing words and partnered with him to   told me that her husband had brutally
                   Habib would go out most days and   import luxury clothes, bags, shoes,   beaten her. He had broken her right   some people would keep silent to
                   give me money to go shopping with   and decorative items from  Turkey.  hand and her nose. I went to visit her.  help the helpless.  Two hours later,
                   the other Iranian ladies in the hotel.  With the confidence he had in Habib,   "Why don't you get a divorce?" I asked.  I was hiding under some blankets
                   After returning from the trip, Habib   my father sold a costly piece of land   "I'm  afraid."  She  replied.  on the bus while the border officers
                   kept his private life as before. Most   and  entrusted  the  money  to  him.  I   "He told me that if I get a di-  were busy checking the passengers'
                   nights, he was out with his friends   warned my mother several times, but   vorce, he'll chop my head off."  documents. From the corner of the
                   and sometimes they went on short   unfortunately, since Habib always   "Why don't you file a complaint   window, I could see Habib standing
                   trips. He told me I could go to Shi-  brought a bag full of souvenirs for   against him?" "My husband has in-  there, showing my photo to the pas-
                   raz and Isfahan to see my aunts or go   my mother and gifts for my father,   fluence everywhere. "It'll not reach   sengers and talking to some of them.
                   shopping and have fun. Of course, I   no one paid attention to my warnings.   any result." Then she continued. "But   I don't know what those kind men and
                   should also add that our sexual rela-  One day, I accidentally surprised   I have a friend in Kermanshah who   women, my traveling companions, did
                   tionship was not healthy at all. Habib   Habib while he was in a restaurant   promised to help me. She is a brave   that I found myself on the other side of
                   had interests that bothered me a lot.   with a woman. Instead of apologiz-  reliable woman."  "Leave  and  go to   the border in the blink of an eye. With
                   But I did not protest at all. After a   ing, he slapped me hard. Fearing for   her tomorrow." "I want to, but my   the cheers of my fellow travelers, I
                   year, I realized that I could not con-  my reputation, I quietly left the res-  husband has taken all my money.""I'll   returned to the present. The women
                   ceive and went to several doctors   taurant.  After that day, my life be-  help you." And I put a considerable   hugged me and after years of pain and
                   for advice, but to no avail. Habib   came darker and darker. I was used to   amount of money in her bag. Three   suffering, I fell asleep in their arms.
                   used this as an excuse and started   not getting any affection from Habib   days later, she informed me that in the
                   talking about temporary marriage to   except for his deviant sexual rela-  absence of her husband who had gone    farsi Translation on page 7
                   have children. I strongly objected.  tions, but now he would beat me se-  to Dubai, she left the house with two
                   "I'll do so with your consent and then   verely on the slightest excuse. I think
                   leave that woman, I promise." He said.  women are men's slaves, he would   :ليميا‌زا‌ديناوتيم‌ناناوج‌يللملا‌نيب‌هلجم‌ريبدرس‌يياكذ‌يدهم‌اب‌‌سامت‌يارب
                   "How cruel can you be to separate   say.  They must always be obedient
                   a mother from her child?" I said.  and submissive to their husbands,                .دييامن‌هدافتسا‌‌‌
                   "These women are used to this. They   otherwise  in  Iran  any  man  can  di-  دينك‌هعلاطم‌:تياس‌بو‌رد‌ار‌ريبدرس‌تشادداي‌ويشرآ
                   take money and do whatever you    vorce his wife at any time even with-

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