Page 79 - Javanan Issue #1894_Neat
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1894
                                                                     Mary from New York                             Iran secretly. We shouted with joy and
                                                                  A trap for                                        said that we would gladly pay all the
                                                        our abusive father                                          One day early in the morning, while
                                                                                                                    our father was sleeping, our uncle,
                                                                                                                    with the help of his wife and his
                                                                                                                    daughter, took our mother out of the
                                                                                      excitement and joy. While shop-  house and sent her to Armenia along
                                                                                       ping, she wanted to buy what-  with our uncle's daughter and the
                                                                                       ever she saw; Just like a happy   documents they had prepared earlier.
                                                                                       child. And we did not hesitate   The next day, at eleven in the morn-
                                                                                        to buy her whatever she want-  ing, my father had called every one,
                                                                                        ed. Unfortunately, my father's   smashed the kitchen utensils, and set
                                                                                        beatings had caused serious   my mother's clothes on fire in the
                   rom the day I came to                                                injuries to my mother's back,   yard. Tell her to come home, he had
                   this world, I witnessed                                               neck, and arms. In the medi-  said. I'll not divorce her. You can only
              Fmy father's violence and                                                  cal examinations, we became   take her corpse to court.
               beatings. Not only did my father                                          anxious and afraid of her fu-  My father had gone to everyone's
               never love my three sisters and                                            ture. One of the doctors told   house, cursed, and threatened them
               me, but he repeatedly beat us and                                          us that  if my mother had   all. He thought that my mother would
               made us go to sleep with tearful                                           another heavy blow to her   come back with tears of regret and
               eyes. My sisters and I endured all                                         neck, she would be para-  continue that life.
               this pain and suffering, but what he                                        lyzed.                   My mother finally got her green card
               was doing to our mother filled our                                          With the guidance of an   and came to the US with the help of
               hearts with sadness.                                                        acquaintance, we regis-  our friend's husband who was visit-
               My father was addicted to opium;                                             tered for my mother on   ing Armenia at the time and the plane
               Although he had two sewing work-                                             the green card lottery site.   ticket we sent. The day we saw her at
               shops and had an excellent financial                                         We were praying that    the airport, we couldn't believe that
               situation. Because of this, they kept                                        she would win and then,   this was our mother. She had turned
               bringing him opium, and after every                                           we would get her out of   into a walking skeleton. Her whole
               use, he felt like it was his duty to beat                                     there at any cost.     body was full of pain. We took her to
               our mother and us. In the meantime,                                           When we told our       the hospital and all the tests were done
               my mother's brother, our good-heart-                                           mother that we should   on her. My mother's condition was so
               ed uncle, sometimes took us to the                                             leave for the USA     bad that one of the hospital officials
               movies, restaurants, and shopping; Of                                          soon, she started cry-  called the police. They came and we
               course, without our father's knowl-                                   ing. "Why so far?" she asked.  explained the whole story to them. A
               edge. Those moments were the most                           rea-   "We're looking for a way to save you   good-natured police officer showed
               memorable moments of our lives. I               sonable income,    too." We answered.                us a solution which was our ultimate
               felt that my kind uncle had wings like   we asked my mother to leave my   In the meantime, we  kept sending   wish.
               angels and took us to the sky full of   father, but he did not allow her to di-  money and medicines for her. These   Two weeks later, we informed my fa-
               happiness, kindness, and generosity.   vorce. With the help of my uncle, we   helped to reduce her pain to a great   ther through our uncle that my mother
               Despite our painful life at home,   went to Dubai and continued study-  extent.                      was in the US. My father called and
               we were among the best students at   ing at an American college. I studied   A year and a half later, while we had   yelled at my sisters and me. "Bring
               school. Many days, we returned home   medicine, one of my sisters studied   built a bright future and a high income   your mother back." He said.
               with letters of encouragement from   pharmacy, and the third studied law.   while studying for university projects,   "Come and take her." we said
               the principal and teachers. But my fa-  The cost of living was high, but since   the news came that Mother had won   "I'll start preparing for my trip today."
               ther used to tear those letters in anger.   we worked as nurses and teachers for   the green card lottery and had to go to   Three months later, my father came to
               These will not help you in real life, he   the children of the rich and sometimes   Armenia for an interview. We did not   the US on a 20-day tour that we later
               would say.                       tourists, we could afford the expenses.   sleep that night out of excitement. But   learned cost 25 thousand dollars. He
               Once, the three of us attacked my fa-  We kept secretly sending money to   then we asked ourselves how to get   came to our house and as soon as he
               ther after he beat my mother badly,   our mother so that she would be a   our mother out of Iran.    entered, he attacked my mother. We
               pushed her down the stairs, and broke   little bit comfortable; He even refused   We talked with our uncle. "There's no   immediately called the police. four
               her arm. We unleashed all the latent   to buy my mother's medicine. We sent   way." He said. “Unless we can make   policemen came along with the fire
               anger of the painful years on him with   her knee braces, medical belts, and the   some documents that  her husband   department. They handcuffed my fa-
               such heavy punches that he fainted   medicines she needed. Meanwhile,   gave her permission to travel.  Then   ther and took him away while he was
               and was taken to the hospital. At the   we asked our cousin to take a picture   let's send him to Armenia."  still shouting. Later, they reported that
               hospital, he filed a legal complaint   of my mother's body and email it to us   "We will pay whatever it costs," We   a significant amount of opium was
               against us. We told the story of our   every time she got hurt.    said                              embedded in his shoes and luggage.
               painful life to the judge and showed   Through our college, we made con-  At the same time, my mother called   Our father was brought to trial. The
               him our bruised bodies.  After my   tact with US universities, and due to   from the hospital. Her nose was bro-  evidence, photos, test results, and ev-
               father's request to kick us out of his   our excellent academic records, they   ken because of our father's beatings   erything that proved our father's cru-
               house and our kind uncle's request, the   accepted us much earlier than we   and she had filed a complaint against   elty and abuses, fell into the hands of
               judge gave our uncle the responsibili-  thought. But we were afraid that the   him. But, with the help of a lawyer,   the judge.
               ty of taking care of us and even legally   more we moved away from our moth-  he had proved that my mother was   The day our cruel father was sent to
               gave him the right to make decisions   er, the lonelier she would become.   planning to divorce him. He was con-  prison for ten years, my mother finally
               about all the affairs of our lives.   Then, we came to Iran to see her. Dur-  stantly  causing  trouble  for her.  This   breathed a sigh of relief. That night,
               We started our peaceful life in my   ing the few days when my father had   incident made us even more angry. we   my mother fell asleep as if she hadn't
               uncle's house. But we were still wor-  a severe cold and was in the hospital,   consulted with our uncle for several   slept in decades. There was a calm-
               ried about our mother. All three of us   we brought my mother to my uncle's   nights. Finally, our uncle informed   ness on her face that we had never
               worked in different companies during   house and took her to restaurants and   us  that  he  had  prepared  documents   seen in our entire lives.
               high school and after. Since we had a   shopping. She was like a child; Full of   through which our mother could leave   Translation: Massi Zokaei
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