Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1889
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                             PSYCHOLOGICAL                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1888
                                                                                                                                        ISSUE No. 1856
                                PERSPECTIVES                                                                                            JAVANAN
                               Dr. Alan A.
                              Modarressi                            LOGICAL PERSPECTIVES
                                Clinical and               A SOCIOCULTURAL AND MIND AND BODY OUTLOOK
                                                           In this column, we examine the mental health issues in the context
                                                         of social, culture, and physiological concerns of the Iranian community


                   Part 1-Developing Habits that Can Enhance Your Life Fulfillment

                By: Dr. Alan Ali A.Modarressi     to see the good in the world, rather   moments every morning to decide   take care of themselves. Now, this
                Licensed Psychologist            than focusing on the negatives. They   what they want to accomplish for the   doesn’t mean they’re self-centered or
                                                 remind themselves of what they’re   day. It could be something big like fi-  selfish. Far from it! It simply means
                 Ever noticed how some people    grateful for and set positive inten-  nalizing a work project, or something   they set aside a little ‘me time’ every
               just seem to live life to the fullest?   tions for the day ahead.  small like calling an old friend. The   day. They might use this time for ex-
               It’s like they have a secret recipe for   Instead of grumbling about the   key is that they have a clear direction   ercise, meditation, a hobby, or just
               life, right?                      traffic or the weather, they’re grate-  for their day which gives them focus   sipping a cup of coffee in silence.
                 Well, I’ve been doing some dig-  ful they have a car to drive or a roof   and purpose. This simple habit of set-  Maybe you used to be someone
               ging and guess what? They do have a   over their heads. Start your day   ting daily goals can make your day   who was always on the go, rushing
               recipe! It’s a set of simple habits that   with a dose of positivity. It might   more productive and satisfying. So,   from one task to another. Then, you
               anyone can pick up. So, let’s uncover   feel strange at first, but once you get   why not give it a try? Every morn-  started setting aside 15 minutes ev-
               the 10 habits that people who love life   into the habit, you’ll notice how it   ing, jot down one or two things you   ery morning just for myself. Just a
               most have in common.              changes  your  outlook  on  life.  And   want to achieve by the end of the day.   quiet quarter of an hour with my
                 You might even discover you’re   who knows? You might start enjoy-  You’ll be surprised how much more   coffee, watching the sun rise. It then
               already doing some of them.       ing life even more.              you can get done.                 becomes the part of your day I look
                 They Embrace Positivity-Sounds   They Set Clear Goals-People who   They Make Time for Themselves-   forward to most! And honestly, it’s
               simple, right? But you’d be amazed   get the most out of life know where   This one is a game-changer, trust   made a huge difference both in my
               at  how  much  this  can  change  your   they want to go. And this isn’t about   me!  People  who  truly  enjoy  life   mood and in how I handle stress.
               life. People who really enjoy life   having a detailed five-year plan, but   understand  the importance of self-  Next week I will explore more ways
               tend to start their day with a positive   about setting clear, achievable goals   care.  They  know that  to  give  their   of enriching our lives.
               mindset. They wake up and choose   for each day. These folks take a few   best to the world, they first need to

                        DANESH FOROUGHI, PH.D.                                           Alan Modarressi, PhD, QME
                        Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY13680                                Licensed Clinical Psychologist
                Licensed Marriage, Family & Child Psychotherapist, MFC23455                       Qualified Medical Evaluator
                    Certified National Board of Addiction Examiners #4974                       Certified Psychophsychologist
                              Tel: (310) 940-3642                                   Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management

                   15720 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. #224 Encino CA 91436             (818) 501-6080            (562) 861-7226
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