Page 34 - Q&A-Cover_Neat
P. 34

Question                                             Answer                          Marks                     Further Information

             17(a)                            warmth / suitable temperature                          1      Accept oxygen

             17(b)                            bar chart / (line or bar) graph / picture / drawing /   1
                                              diagram / photograph / poster

             17(c)                            On day 4 the root and stem are the same (length).      2      answer must be comparative
                                                                                                            Accept on day 4 the root is 4 (cm) and the stem is 4
                                                                                                            (cm) / root and stem are equal / root and stem are
                                                                                                            both 4 (cm)

                                              On day 5 the stem is longer or bigger than the                answer must be comparative
                                              root / the root is shorter or smaller than the stem.          Accept on day 5 the root is 5.6 (cm) and the stem is
                                                                                                            5.9 (cm) / stem is 0.3 (cm) longer than the root

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