Page 94 - Q&A-Cover_Neat
P. 94

Further Information                           Further Information  Accept Pierre or Mike does not let the light through /    Accept (the shadows are different) lengths / sizes /   Accept (the shadows are in different) directions

                                 each correct answer = 1 mark            Pierre is or Mike is opaque   widths / thicknesses    Accept the Earth rotates (on its axis)

                    Marks   1    2                                Marks   1    2            1

                                                                                                                Page 7 of 12

                    Answer  turn one around / put the N(orth) and S(outh) together   magnet not strong enough / magnet is weak   paper clips not made of magnetic material / paper clip material is  not attracted to magnets / some of the paperclips are not  magnetic / made of plastic / made of different materials / made  from different metals / made out of a different named material e.g.   Answer  light is blocked / sun(light) is blocked / Pierre or Mike is in the way   sha

                                 any two of        paper clips not near to the magnet       aluminum   of the light        shadows are in different positions   on its axis / the Earth spins on it axis

                    Question                                      Question                                      © UCLES 2018

                         8(a)    8(b)                                  9(a)    9(b)         9(c)
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99