Page 186 - Q&A-Cover_Neat
P. 186

Further Information   Accept turns into a vapour / it evaporates  Do not accept turns into water vapour / condenses   Further Information   Accept (same) funnel / (same) tube / direction of

                       Accept temperature probe   / turns into steam    no marks for C on its own   no marks for B on its own   each correct answer = 1 mark

                       1        1  1          1     1               1  2                    funnel
                  Marks                                     Marks

                                                                                                                Page 6 of 12

                  Answer                      C because it has a boiling point of 100(  C)   B because it leaves behind a solid   Answer   amount she blows / strength of blow / idea that   length of tube / type of tube  / size of funnel  /    place where she does the investigation

                       thermometer   the liquid can burn / catch fire   turns into a gas   wind (dispersal)   any two from     (same) number of seeds      Lily does it both times      same apparatus        all the seeds start in the funnel

                  Question    8(a)       8(b)       8(c)       8(d)       8(e)       Question    9(a)       9(b)
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