Page 211 - Q&A-Cover_Neat
P. 211

Further Information  Accept it evaporates / stays at the same  temperature / stays at 100 °C   Accept boiling water can be evaporated  and then condensed (into water)   Accept cannot get back (to its original   Further Information   each correct sentence = 1 mark

                        1       1        1  form/state)    2     Ignore more      Ignore more
                   Marks                          Marks

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                   Answer  turns into steam / turns into a gas / turns into a vapour  steam or (water) vapour or evaporated water or gas can be changed back (into  (idea that) you cannot un-cook a potato / it cannot become raw potato again   Answer   When she blows harder between the sticks the sound is loud(er).  When she uses shorter sticks the sound is high(er) (pitch).


                   Question       5(a)       5(b)       5(c)       Question    6
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