Page 330 - Q&A-Cover_Neat
P. 330

Further Information   Ignore shadows drawn behind the   screen or overlapping the rays of light   Accept it blocks the light   Just the ‘object does’ is insufficient    Accept make the object bigger  Ignore make the light bigger / make the   Further Information   more than one circled = 0 marks   more than one circled = 0 marks

                   Marks   1                     1           1       light brighter      Marks   1         1

                        screen                                                                                Page 6 of 14


                   Answer                        (idea that) object has blocked the light / light is blocked / object stops the light /   Answer   A     B     D     E     G


                                        source of  light                   move screen (further/away) from object

                                                   object is opaque   any one from     move object (closer) to light     move light (closer) to object      A     B     D     E     G

                   Question    7(a)                                              Question

                                                   (b)          (c)                    8(a)      (b)
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