Page 67 - Q&A-Cover_Neat
P. 67

Further Information  more than one answer circled = 0 marks   Accept ‘plants’ or ‘poppies’ for seeds  Accept idea of reducing competition    Further Information   each correct answer = 1 mark   each correct answer = 1 mark

                     Marks   1                      1                 Marks   2      2

                     Answer   flowering     germination      pollination      seed dispersal      seed production  seeds / disperses the seeds /allows  the seeds space (to germinate) / prevent  overcrowding / to stop too many seeds in one   Answer   The function of organ A is to filter blood /   The function of organ B is to store urine.            Page 10 of 14

                                                    the                                  clean the blood.
                                                    spreads  place         A – kidney      B – bladder

                     Question                                         Question                                  © UCLES 2018

                          12(a)                     12(b)                  13(a)     13(b)
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