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About Tippet Rise
Tippet Rise Is a
Working Ranch by Ben Wynthein
anching at Tippet Rise? A question often heard. The answer: Absolutely. Tippet Rise is 10,260 acres of ranch land in south central Montana. We believe that the rangeland we live on needs to be cared for with the utmost quality and stewardship—not only as a moral obligation to care for the health of the land itself but also for our guests to enjoy and experience. It also allows us to partake in and share in Montana’s rich historical and cultural tradition of ranching. Part of that care is the needed grazing of the range with ungulates, as has been done here for thousands
of years. This integration of grazing animals allows fresh regeneration of the plants and animals that
grow here, and helps us to better manage the risk of damaging fires in our landscape
Portions of Tippet Rise are leased to the Lehfeldt family, a longstanding ranch family engaged in the Rambouillet sheep industry. The Lehfeldts bring 1,200 or so ewes annually to Tippet Rise to aid us with the control of noxious weeds. They also bring to the ranch, every June through September, 300 head of cow calf pairs to be run on the north side of the ranch. In this time frame the sheep are herded onto areas with noxious weed species, where they can eat and digest the seeds to help limit their spread to

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