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About Tippet Rise
During the winter this allows the elk and deer to migrate to these areas from their summer homes in the surround-
ing mountains. At this time, they are allowed to eat and maintain body condition with less effort than if they stayed in the mountains, where the snow lies much heavier and the feed requires much more energy to find.
One important resource Tippet Rise is also constantly working to improve upon is management of our water resources. Included in this challenge is the constant improvement of drinking water for ungulates, wild and domestic. Since the beginning we have completed 34 major water improvements that help increase even livestock stock distribution on the land, as well as reducing pressure on the riparian areas we do have. In 2018 look to see six more important livestock watering systems to be built. That will incorporate roughly 13,000 feet of under- ground pipeline stemming from existing wells recently drilled, running to areas of the ranch that are inaccessible to well water. Several of these systems for livestock water also do double duty as key and strategically placed locations for fire trucks to rapidly fill in the event of a wildland fire.
All of the water systems are hidden as well as possible within the landscape, so as to also maintain the very open, rugged, and wild feeling we hope to preserve.
We look forward to the future of ranching, as well as providing a landscape our guests and artists can visit, experience, and thrive within—a healthy landscape that is the cutting edge of art, as well as deeply involved in land stewardship and the Montana ranching tradition, a tradition that can only survive through the art of good stewardship of the land around it.

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