Page 9 - Claudia Nevin
P. 9
General Info:
Diana loves to spend her hard Diana is looking for a
earned money on all the top brands product that is top of the
Works for Google as head market that can help her
marketing manager specialising in is always searching on social media style her hair and give her
for her next purchase
creating social media content for the confidence of coming
fashion and design. out of the hair salon.
Loves to spend time on her makeup
Drives a red fiat 500
and hair but has a hard time trying She wants a high quality
to tame the frizz at times. product that is worth its
Interests: price tag.
Enjoys working out at a gym nearby Has a daily struggle to battle her hair She worries about
and going for walks with her dog each morning before work to keep damaging her hair as she
“Chase” and taking pictures on her up appearances. has coloured for years so
instax mini she needs a product that
Likes to go out with her girls at the she can trust not to
weekend for dinner and drinks. damage it further.