Page 7 - Rachel Delaney
P. 7
For the literature review module, we were introduced to academic
writing having to pick a topic, of our own choice, and complete the
review using academic research and writing. For my project I had
decided to choose the topic of data or information visualisation.
This topic interested me because I had never really thought much
about it before, and it is a strange intersection between design,
information, and learning. I titled my essay “An exploration on
information visualisation and why it should become an essential
learning tool and skill set.”
I found researching and writing this essay stimulating and
thought-provoking, I love learning new things and expanding my
knowledge and understanding of things, topics, and culture to
form my own personal view and understanding of the world.
I was plunged into the world of data or information visualisation
and found that, like design, once you have identi ed and
understand the topic you will begin to see its impacts and use
in everyday life all the time.
In my mind I thought this topic would be an interesting one as
we were developing books for our end of year assignment and
looking at how data and information can be communicated through
a more visual aspect would have been valuable to learn about.
I ended up synthesising how design and information meet in data
visualisation to give people a better and easier way to understand
and internalize information through visuals and how through the
boom in technology data visualisation can not only be used as a
tool but its also a skill set that can be learn and holds value in itself.