Page 2 - Ciaran Doyle
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Bio Page: Ciaran Doyle


                                                                       "Design is so simple, that's                                                                     Tinryland National School

                                                                       why it's so complicated"                                                                         Presentation College Carlow

                                                                       -Paul Rand                                                                             __ Carlow Institute of Further Education

                                                                    About Me

         Personal                                                   I am a 22 year old Undergraduate product design student from

         Name: Ciaran Doyle                                         South East Technological University. I have a passion for
         Location: Carlow, Ireland                                  Product Design that has sterned from an interest in problem
         Occupation: Barman                                         solving that came from a young age. I was formerly a product                                   Software Skills
         Interests:                                                 manager for my local family buisness Doyle Tarmacadam. I had                                                                                   0
                                                                    previous experience in design as I have a level 6 degree in
        ®$                                                          graphic design, but myself had always been more interested in  II

                                                                    the physical aspects of design so decided this course would be

         Contact Details                                            the better fit and am happy to say I made the correct decision.                                                                                0

         Email:                               My current occupation is as a barman in Teach Dolmain, Carlow.
         Phone no: 0851643674                                       This job has aided me a lot as a designer due to the social
                                                                    interaction aspect which has helped the communication   I
                                                                    also get to be creative when it comes to cocktail making and

                                                                    other aspects of the job.                                                                                                            00
                                                                    I feel as though I am quite an empathic designer. I feel as

                                                                    though design is n  only built for consumers but it should be

                                                                    mainly built by consumers, in the way that they should always                                                                                  0
                                                                    be referenced to in every stage of the design process. This
                                                                    comes as I have a vast interest in working with others, be it

                                                                    other designers or clients/consumers. I enjoy using quite                                                                    000

                                                                    simple designs with quite effective functionality.
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