Page 3 - Jamie Purcell
P. 3
01 Product Redesign - milk frother
1 - 20 To choose a product of our choice and identify 2 Problem areas to implement
design modifications
02 Co-Design - Washroom shelf
To Identify and collaborate with a research participant in the area of physical
21 - 29 disadvantage to implement the co-design process by creating a provocate/playful
solution to our identified problem area
03 30 - 47 Library Project - Book Cycle solutions
Working with Kilkenny Library Service, we were to design a sustainable solution for the
retiring of their materials from their public collections and to propose innovative uses
for their continued use and benefit in a community engaging way
04 Universal Design - Washing MAchine
48-63 In a group project we were to re-design a washing machine using key Universal
Design principles for users in the areas of Cognitive, Physical and visual disability.
05 Materials
64-65 To gain indepth understanding on material selection and manufacture in the
product design industry with research and application in the following projects
06 Circuit of Culture
To create 2 posters on our chosen product of cultural significance, one of which
66-67 being an analysis on the products features, and the second being an analysis of the
product using the circuit of culture framework