Page 25 - Luke Lister
P. 25
Brainstorm Tax relief
Easy food No dress
breaks. Less stress. No office code.
Safe space. required. Money
Luxury. No Less food Commute.
commute. waste.
Work/relax Home Work draining. Inspiration
mode. Time Cabin fever.
Communication. management. Isolation issues.
Productivity Connecting
Motivation. with co-workers Loneliness
Home office
Communication Mentally Work and
takes longer. Equipment Motivation. draining.
WIFI. issues. leisure time
Connectivity Professionalism
Communicating Time Distractions.
with co-workers. Conversation management. Easier to work
sick days.
Money Connectivity Isolation Productivity Professionalism Comfort
Employee contributions Due to the diconected Symptoms of isolation "Telecommuters work on Self control is vital when No stressful commutes
fell by 11 per cent and feeling of communicating cause increased stress average, 17 more days per working from home as (average commuting
employer contributions by online, employees and levels, bad decision year than office workers" the urge to sit back and person spends 200 hours
5 per cent between Q1 students have foud it making and lack of focus. relax is much greater due annually getting to work).
(January to March) and takes longer to have Loneliness is most Home / Work life balance to the fact that no one is
Q2 (April to June). discussions. harmful when chronic and workspace monitoring you directly. Since covid-19 a lot more
Bad equipment and WIFI and normalising remote environment are key The houshold is often full people are interested to
If you are working from can be very disruptive in working makes it much influences on an of distractions which can work from home in the
home, you may be eligible meetings, making getting more difficult to fulfil individual's productivity, be very disruptfull, long term and in the
for tax relief on expenses work done extremely ones needs of workflow and motivation. making keeping future as they are very
like light, heat, telephone difficult. connectivity and may also motivated very difficult. comfortable working from
and broadband. lead to a misjudgement of home.
character, life skills and
work ethic.