Page 35 - Damian Bogacki
P. 35

Colaboration Trip
                 Trip To SETU Waterford
  The collaboration between the engineering
  department in SETU in Waterford and
  product design and innovation department
  in SETU Carlow started with the brief we
  have received The first thing that happened
    was that the 3rd year design class as a
  group went down to Waterford in order to
 LIR  get to know the engineering group as also
  have a look and better understand what
  was the project about and what was
  expected from the design group. Once
 Co-Design   arriving and getting to know each other
  SETU Carlow, divided into teams each
  team had 1 or 2 engineers explaining what
  they have done so far, what they would like
  to see changed and what are the features
  and functions of the vessel in the design
  group will be working on for the next few weeks.
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