Page 77 - Maeve Whelan
P. 77


                            Review Design Case Study

                            The Review Design case Study was an interesting project to start the year on, by selecting an already marketing product and trying to extend its life cycle. I

                            redesigned Culinare's Automatic can opener, by observing the product and watching how others interacted with it I found flaws within its original design and
                            created solutions for them. I was very pleased with the outcome of this project and learned a lot about manufacturing and expenses.

                            Co-Design Collaboration

                            In Co-Design Collaboration we were asked to as a group collectively map the ways people have developed strategies to adapt to COVID related lockdown; within their
                            professional and/or personal lives. I explored early learners and focused in on children with diabetics and their SNA's. My product Med sync is a device that is used to aid
                            diabetic children and their SNA's during COVID, with having family working in such area I feel I had a lot of insight which helped my research.

                            Design for Form and Story

                            In this project the objective was to propose and design an individual product which communicates its purpose and use through form and story. We were asked to select a
                            category from the by Design Series as a start point for further research, I chose the category 'Home-Work'. This was a fun project to tackle and really enjoyed to

                            research and graphic aspect. It was a challenging project especially with the hypothesis but was nonetheless engaging and informative.

                            Surface Finish Swatches

                            Surface Finish Swatches was a project that we were asked to build a reference catalogue of product surface finishes. The specific rationale is to explore and develop

                            techniques used to active flawless representation of high volume manufactured surfaces for prototyping to build capacity in accurate model surface and finish in new
                            product representation. This project was by far one of my favourites, while I did struggle with some of the finishes the end result was worth the struggle and was
                            especially proud of my birch wood finish.

                             Red Dot Awards

                             With the Red Dot we were asked to choose three products to fully detail up in SolidWorks, one easy, one medium and one difficult. We had replicate each model as close

                             as possible to your chosen product and complete a final render in SolidWorks for each product. I was satisfied with my easy and medium product and believe the end
                             results came out well. The difficult however I don't believe was as good as the others, however the render still turned out well.

                             Reflection of Year

                             Despite how COVID had effected Ireland and our college experience this year, I still believe that this year went well all things considered. I feel as if my graphic have
                             improved tremendously since second year, this year also helped me improve my group work immensely. However even with the improvement there are still aspect I think I
                             could improve on. This year specifically my time management wasn't as good as it could have been, however this is fixable over the summer months.
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