Page 43 - Arlen Walsh
P. 43
Green Schools Program Green Schools Program
What does the Green Flag represent? What is the Green-Schools How does a school get a
program? Green-Schools award?
The EU have made the sustainable development
Goals to reduce the speed of global warming
Companys and organisations must comply with the
rules to not get heavily taxes
kilkenny, with the new libaray opening.
they want to adopt these new changes In Ireland, Green-Schools is operated in partnership with Local
Authorities and has been a fully national programme since 2001.
Internationally it is known as ‘Eco-schools’. The award part of the
scheme comes in the form of a green flag - a now well respected
and recognised Eco-label.
Schools take trips to places there they can learn about the
environment hands on for example going to their local gardening
centre, a farming centre, or library