Page 65 - Arlen Walsh
P. 65

Final Interface Concept

 Start screen:  Spin style:

 To begin your  Spin the dial to cycle through spin
 interaction you simply tap on   style options

 the screen or twist the dial  the dial will call out your options

 Simply press in on the dial

 to select

 Temperature:  Time:

 spin the dial to select through   spin the dial to select through

 temperature options the dial   time options the dial will call

 will call out your options  out your options press the dial

 press on the dial to select  to select

 Option overview:  Made a cycle menu:

 when selected, all your options   The time left is easily viewable

 can be easily viewed and edited  Tap the screen to see and hear

 To edit, just spin the dial over   how much time is left all options

 desired option, press the dial   will be viewed above at all times

 to select
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70