Page 5 - Conor O'Shea
P. 5

About me

                                                                                   I’m Conor, a 22 year old Product/Industrial Design student in my
                                                                                   third year in the South East Technological University, Carlow.
                                                                                   With a 1 year course of Graphic Design before coming to
                                                                                   Product/Industrial design, i have found great interest in this
                                                                                   course. Being able to combine my Graphic ability into my
                                                                                   product design work is amazing and i love how every part of this

                                                                                   course wheather its sketching new ideas, using CAD to define
                                                                                   your models, making prototypes, 3D printing or Graphics, every
                                                                                   skill is combined.

                                                                                   I love the idea of visualising an idea in my head and then with the
                                                                                   correct tools in this course bringing those visuals to life. But its
                                                                                   tougher than just waving a magic wand and creating a product in
                                                                                   a day. It takes a process, a process you are about to see in my
                                                                                   design booklet.

                                                                                   Enjoy the journey...
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