Page 62 - Conor O'Shea
P. 62

Mycelium                                                                                     Stakeholders

                                      Mycelium is a root like structure of a                                                                    Kerrigans Mushroom

                                      fungus.                                                                                                   Transport

                                      Books, as they consist of cellulose, can

                                      become a nutritious base for mushrooms.
                                      How to grow mushrooms on books?                                                                           Kerrigan's Mushrooms,

                                      Adding the mycelium onto the book                                                                         Meath
                                      pages, creating the right ecosystem and                                                                   walshes Mushroom Plant,

                                      then waiting.                                                                                             Gorey

                                      In relatively short time (2-3 weeks) the

                                      mushrooms are fully grown.

                                      Variety of use = artificial leather,

                                      insulation, packagings and even coffins.

                                                                                                                                 Old paperbacks get a new life! Used books

                                                                                                                                 are turned into mushroom gardens by

                                                                                                                                 being upcycled as a growing medium

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