Page 95 - Conor O'Shea
P. 95
Reflection Credits
Looking back over this year, i realised i needed to 1. About Me
improve on a lot of things. Although i have learned so Me (Conor O Shea)
much new skills, i still believe that i need to improve on 2. Co Design
certain tasks that have held me back this year and not Me (Conor O Shea)
continue these bad habits in fourth year. 3. Motorolla
Me (Conor O Shea)
For myself, i think i need to improve on my time
management. Time management is crucial and ive had a 4. Material Replica
Me (Conor O Shea)
couple of projects set me back because of it, especially
my redesign of the Russell Hobbs carving knife. 5. Russell Hobbs Redesign
Me (Conor O Shea)
Overall, it was an exciting year with project 6. Project 0
collaborations, Product redesigns, and the learning of Conor O Shea (Third Year), Patricie Kocie (Second Year,
new skills and constantly improving on my presentation Sean Healy (Second Year)
skills. 7. All Wash
(Conor O Shea, Jamie Purcell, Tapiawanashe Chimimba,
Liam Bowkett, Arlen Walsh, Eoghan Fallon)