Page 23 - Regent collegem Newsletter Volume 5 issue I
P. 23
Page 23
Do you have constant stuffy nose?
If you are a sinus sufferer, you wake up many mornings with your head and nose stuffy.
One of the reasons could be nasal polyps.
Nasal polyps are growths that hang down like little grapes from the lining of your nasal
passages or sinuses that are soft, painless and noncancerous.
These can come about because of chronic inflammation to link to allergies, some immune
disorders, asthma, frequent infections or drug sensitivity.
Anyone can have a nasal polyp, but they are more common in adults.
If your nasal polyps are small, you may not feel them at all.
Some common indicators of nasal polyps:
Loss of sense of taste
Repeated nosebleeds
Continual stuffiness
Reduced sense of smell
Regularly runny nose
Headaches or facial pain
There are a few ways to help you reduce your chances of forming nasal polyps.
-Humidify your home to moisten your nasal passages.
-Use a nasal rinse such as saline (saltwater) spray or nasal wash to remove irritants and
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