Page 69 - PPAF Fall Booklet
P. 69


                          NOW OFFERING FREE LOGO SET-UPS
                    AND 50% SAVINGS ON PROGRAM ORDERS*

                                     Reference promo code: DC CESET01 • DC CEPROMO

                      WINNER PPAI GOLD


                      24 YEARS RUNNING

                    Voted number one for
             quality and service by ASI
                       distributors 12 times

          “      Vantage contract                                                    LOCAL SERVICES INCLUDE

        embroidery is completely                                                     • In-house digitizing
        AWESOME - 100% better                                                        • 4-Day embroidery production

         quality. We have literally                                                  • Single-piece orders for programs
                                                                                     • Steaming and polybagging
      wiped out 95% of our post-                                                     • Fulfilment and special packaging
     sale apparel order problems

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                                          If your customers are expecting the best from you right now,
                                            why wouldn’t you use the best for all your apparel orders.
       Access to all major brands with                                  Contact us today.
      free inbound freight from SanMar,                      Matt Castillo | Regional Territory Manager | FL
      alphabroder, and S&S activewear                  Email: | Phone: 732-340-3000
                       *Free logo-setups are valid up to 8k stitches for new programs with ongoing orders and any single order of 72+ pieces.
       Reference promo code: DC CESET01. Save $2.00 per order on handling fees (50% off regular price) for program orders of 1-3 pieces (excludes blankets and jackets).
                               Reference promo code DC CEPROMO. Check wholesaler websites for details on freight incentives.
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