Page 25 - _2005_Neat
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                   Physical  Activity  (ATPA)  Inventory  and  a  questionnaire  constructed  by  the
                   investigators were utilized for collecting data. Three hundred fifty two students
                   randomly  selected  as  subjects  of  the  study.  T-test  and  One-Way  ANOVA
                   were  utilized  to  answer  the  questions  of  this  study.  Means  and  standard
                   deviations of attitude scores were used to compare the perceived values that
                   students placed upon the following six sub domains of physical activity: social,
                   health, competing, aesthetic, catharsis, and ascetic. Comparisons were also
                   made by classifying the subjects' attitude scores by gender, extent of following
                   sport news and issues on TVs, Newspapers and magazines, and frequency of
                   physical exercise participation.
                          The  major  findings  of  the  current  study  were:  (1)  SQU  students
                   demonstrated  a  positive  attitude  toward  physical  activity  and  most  of  SQU
                   students  (91.5%)  participate  in  weekly  regular  physical  activities.  (2)  SQU
                   students  demonstrated  significantly  different  perceptions  concerning  the
                   values of the six sub domains of physical activity. (3) No differences between
                   attitudes  among  males  and  females  (4)  SQU  students  had  highly  positive
                   attitudes toward health and fitness, positive attitudes toward social, catharsis,
                   aesthetic, and competing  sub domains of physical activity, while the students
                   expressed  slightly  unfavorable  attitudes  toward  ascetic  sub  domains.  (5)
                   Significant  differences  has  been  found  between  SQU  students  attitudes
                   toward  physical  activity  according  to  the  level  of  participation  in  exercises,
                   extent of reading sport issues in newspapers, and watching sports programs
                   and news on the TV.

                                  يضايرلا طاشنلا وحن سوباق ناطلسلا ةعماج     ةبلط  تاهاجتا

                                                    تاريغتملا ضعبب اهتقلاعو

                                       2 يليعشلا يلع  . د ، 1 يلابجلا ىفطصم  ،   أ  . د  .  1 دياز فشاك  د  .

                                                  سوباق ناطلسلا ةعماج ، ةيبرتلا ةيلك  ،ةيضايرلا ةيبرتلا مسق  ،دعاسم ذاتسأ
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