Page 2 - Pink Pearl Press Vol 1 Issue 1
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Pink Pearl Press January/February 2019 Page 2
I am exceptionally proud of the 33 Debutante Presentation and Ball, while extremely grateful to
the Chairman, Soror Karen Scruggs and Co-chairman, Soror Heather Scruggs for their leadership,
guidance and execution of an evening filled with “Majestic Memories...Exemplifying Excellence”. As all
plans were made from the beginning to the end, there were committees whose work was not debuted until
the night of the ball; Escorts and Marshalls, Cotillion, Decorations, Scholarships and Program.
Congratulations to these committee chairmen and committee members for your outstanding leadership
and service.
In our January chapter meeting I shared the “Basileus Vision,” for 2019 is to ensure we as a
chapter strive to continue our long tradition of Exemplifying Excellence as we...
The Basileus Vision:
Pillar One: Execute Exemplary Programs
Pillar Two: Engage the Membership
Pillar Three: Strengthen our Sisterhood
Pillar Four: Improve Chapter Operations
Pillar Five: Enhance Partnerships
As your Basileus, my goal is to... Equip, Empower, Expect Excellence…..
Together, we will seek to increase community partnerships, seek new funding sources, and
increase community-wide participation at our Community Impact Days. In the area of membership, it is
my desire to be intensive in our efforts of reclaiming, reactivating and providing quality training for our
membership. Locally, my vision is to establish EGO University, with a focus on equipping, empowering
and preparing our sorors to lead, know their documents, by becoming “Pearls of Excellence”. My vision
also includes to keep nurturing the ivy, through monthly themes, while bonding and learning more about
each other by incorporating the “Precious Pearls” House of Sisterhood. Every member will be assigned to
one of the 16 houses named after our beloved founders. The goal is to ensure everyone will have an
opportunity throughout the year to strengthen the bonds of sisterhood among the members and to have
some one to call on if they ever needed anything. Finally, my vision is to continue improving our chapter
operations, update, review and revise our local chapter bylaws and standing rules. Lastly, we want to
work closely with our Ivy Center Foundation to ensure we are in full compliance with the goals and
objectives for chapters and chapter foundations, moving forward based on the guidance of our
International President, Soror Glenda Glover’s focus for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. A
special Ad Hoc committee will be formed to give guidance on this effort.
For me, the key word in our International theme is “Excellence” summed up in the following quote.
“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is
not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” – Colin Powell
Sorors, again I say thank you for your vote of confidence to elect me as your Basileus. My goal is to
daily remain humble, treat others like I wish to be treated, love in spite of, and lead with excellence and
serve with grace!
Soror Cheryl R. Davis
In This Issue:
Programs ……………...………...……..Page 3 Announcements ......................Page 19
Standing Committees ……….…..….Page 16 Calendar ……………....……….Page 21
Protocol Moment …………...….…....Page 17 EGO Officers .…...……...….....Page 22
Technology Tip ……………..………..Page 18 Frequently Asked Questions ..Page 23