Page 5 - HZES_Student_Parent_Handbook_2020_2021
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On behalf of the entire team, welcome to Hazlewood Elementary School, Where
the Best Get Better! We are honored to serve and work with your family to make
this a productive and successful school year! My personal/professional mission
statement is Foster Resilience through Purposeful Engagement! This is consistent
with the HZES mission to provide opportunities for all students to become
motivated productive citizens! Open and consistent communication between
school and home are essential parts of a successful education program. We aim to
foster relationships that support our goal of engaging you in the process of teaching
and learning with the common goal of improved student outcomes.
Hazlewood Elementary School prides itself on recognizing students’ individual
talents and strengths. Moreover, we acknowledge that academic outcomes
improve when students experience success in all facets of their lives. The HZES
faculty and staff engages in professional learning that support innovative
instructional practices and demonstrate cultural competencies that value the diverse
cultural backgrounds and academic needs of all our learners.
While we are entering unprecedented times in learning, know we are committed to
ensuring equity in service delivery whether in a traditional, blended, or virtual
platform. While there will be limited face to face contact this school year, you can
look forward to being engaged via our virtual platforms and in a variety of virtual
family engagement meetings, learning sessions, and/or conferences designed to
continue to incorporate you and your family in our day to day best practices. Your
participation is necessary now more than ever, and we are aware that you are the
key to your child’s success. Engagement (virtually) is a vital part of this.
This handbook is being provided to you digitally—an indication of how learning
and information delivery are changing. The purpose of this is to help you get used
to virtual communication. Thank you in advance for your understanding as we
strive to keep your children safe while educating them. We look forward to an
exciting year as we continue to collaborate with you to provide a world class
education. Your children deserve it!