Page 47 - 75th Anniversary Commemorative EGO Chapter Directory
P. 47


            Dawn Batts              1      Brittanie Chester     18
            Sharon Brown            1      Davina Patterson      18
            Paula Cannon-Whiteside  1      Betty Fletcher        20
            Kayla Petty             1      Anita Garner          20
            Deborah Smith           1      Renee Knight          21
            KaDaija Madden          2      Hannah Lee            21
            Daphne Thurman          2      Joyce Martin          21
            Glynn Collier           3      Janie Harris          23
            Brenda Davis            3      Ronda Eady            24
            Bertha Childress        5      Patricia Fuzzell      27
            Dawn Denson             5      Bettice Malone        27
            Felicia Garner          5      Carol Parham          27
            Kolowa Witherspoon      5      Veronica Collins      29
            Ashley Perkins          6      Kenitra Fewell        29
            Yolanda Bledsoe         7      Airelle Harley        29
            Cheryl Davis            8      Darlene Turner-White  29
            Sarah Davis             8      Briana Foy            30
            Wilma Ruffin            8      Celeste Gilmore       30
            Quanda Stevenson        8      Letoria McCombs       30
            Pamela Whitehead        8
            Valerie Williams        8        Happy Birthday!
            Stacia Benford          9
            Felicia Jones           9   As we give thanks this month, I’m so
            Linda West              9       grateful to know someone as
            Shannon Baldwin         10   wonderful as you. May your year
            Jillian Lockhart        10
            Felicia Thompson        12  ahead be filled with blessings and joy!
            Terry Miller            16
            Aaron Bailey            17
            Benita Martin-Dwight    17

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