Page 12 - Pink Pearl Press Volume 1, Issue 3
P. 12
Pink Pearl Press May 2019 Page 12
Local Events
April 18, 2019; 5:30 PM
Article By: Soror Leteria Waters
Photos By: Soror Deidra Willis
Sorors of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
attended the 41st annual local UNCF Gala which is the 75th Anniversary of
UNCF. The sold out Gala held at the Von Braun Civic Center was a star subbed
event. The event begin with a VIP Reception and continued with program to
included Dr. Michael L. Lomax President and Chief Executive Officer of UNCF
as the guest speaker, the entire cast of Love and Marriage Huntsville which
included our very OWN Soror Melody Holt, testimonials from UNCF recipients
and ended with a musical performance by the Grammy award winner Lalah
The event was just one of the many events which took place during the annual
Alumni week celebration of Oakwood University which is a UNCF University.
Our local UNCF North Alabama Planning Committee, EGO member Soror
Leteria Waters has severed as a committee member for over 20 years, reached
its goal of $100,000. The EGO Chapter assisted with obtaining this goal with a
chapter donation and the purchase of tickets by individual Sorors.