Page 2 - Pink Pearl Press Volume 1, Issue 3
P. 2

Pink Pearl Press                                       May 2019                                       Page 2

      Article XVIII. Debutante Sponsorship Requirements for Chapter Members

      Section 1:       To qualify as a sponsor or co-sponsor of a Debutante, a financial soror
      must meet:
                         Debutante Sponsorship Requirements:
      • Attended at least one (1) of the last three Cluster, Regional or International

      • Attended a minimum of six (6) monthly sorority meetings during the previous year
      (January – December) and four (4) meetings of the current year in which a soror
      submits her sponsorship application.
      • Active participation on one (1) chapter committee (standing committee
      inclusive),programs, or ad hoc.
      • A soror may sponsor or co-sponsor a total of two debutante(s).
      • Complete sponsor application for verification of eligibility, maximum of two
      sponsorships of debutantes.  Co-sponsors must meet the same requirements.

      • Sorors must attend the Debutante Sponsor Training Workshop.

              As we are preparing for the summer mini break, and the second half of this
      year, let’s reflect on the many accomplishments and blessings of the first half of the
      year, while regrouping, rejuvenating, refreshing, refocusing and reassessing our goals
      and commitment to giving our best, in making the second half greater and better!
              Sorors, yes, I serve as your representative of the organization, but you’re the
      “Heartbeat”! I need you; the sisterhood needs you; you are important, we need each
      other to survive! Let’s continue to communicate, to connect, be committed and show
      each other how much we care. Join me in Leading with Excellence...while Serving
      with Grace!

      Soror Cheryl R. Davis

         In This Issue:

        Programs ……………...………...……...Page 3                           Announcements …………....….Page 16
        Local Events …..………..…….…..….....Page 12                     Calendar ……………....……….Page 17
        Protocol Moment …....……...….….....Page 15                    EGO Officers .…...……...……....Page 18

        Technology Tip ……..…………….......Page 15                       Frequently Asked Questions …Page 19
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