Page 2 - Pink Pearl Press - Volume 2, Issue 3
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Pink Pearl Press May-August 2020 Page 2
Basileus Corner
Soror Cheryl R. Davis
Greetings my beautiful EGO Sorors,
Thank you for an awesome first half of the year of programming efforts, despite having
to go 100 percent virtual. It was not easy, however, as we always do, you made it happen
ladies. As you peruse the Pink Pearl Press take the time to reflect on the many things, we as
a chapter have been able to accomplish in support of the wonderful community we service.
Our Anti Basileus, Vice Chairman, Leads, Committee chairman and committee members
have been busy making it happen. I am profoundly grateful to each of you for your
leadership and support. We are TEAM EGO, an award-winning chapter in everything that
we do!
As we prepare for the second half of the year, we are going to need all hands-on deck in
getting it done. This means commitment to attending the planning meetings, the activities
planned, and providing words of encouragement to each other. This is a hard time for
everyone; and a smile, word of encouragement, a card, text message or phone call can make
the difference between having a great day and a not so great day! Let us be our sister’s
Finally, let us do our part during this very crucial election season by casting our vote,
helping those who need assistance in completing the census or their absentee ballot. On
election day, let’s make sure we carry a minimum of 5 to 10 people to the polls to vote.
Support the connections committee in their efforts to contact as many voters as possible prior
to elections day. Let’s get into some good trouble, some necessary trouble.
In conclusion, a special “Thank You” to our Newsletter team, led by Soror Lauren Blue
and the Publicity team, led by Soror Dominque Jefferson, for another exciting edition of the
Pink Pearl Press. Enjoy and Happy Reading!
In This Issue:
Getting to Know Team EGO …………Page 3 Technology Tip …...………..........Page 9
Programs ……………...………...……...Page 4 EGO Officers .…...……...……....Page 10
Protocol Moment …....……...…...….....Page 9 Frequently Asked Questions …Page 11