Page 2 - RTR 2020 gala program book
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September 24, 2020

                        Dear Friends,                                                 BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
                        Welcome to Road To Responsibility’s 32  Annual Gala (Virtual)!     Mr. George M. Ford
                        Thank you for choosing to spend some time with us this evening   Chairman
                        and to support our Mission!                                   Mr. Timothy B. Nash
                        2020 has certainly been unlike any other year!  An unprecedented   Vice-Chairman
                        public health crisis the likes of which very few still alive have
                        experienced, led to our day programs being closed for over    Mr. John J. Pyne, CPA
                        5-months, profound disruptions to the lives of our Members and   Treasurer
                        their Families and the loss of many Employees because they have   Mr. Paul Callahan
                        young, school-age children but no access to necessary childcare.
                        We also had one of our Residents die due to COVID-19 in April, just   Clerk
                        as he appeared to be on the verge of recovery. This crisis has also   Mr. William J. Murphy, Jr.
                        placed financial and logistical strains on the organization as we
                        scrambled to keep people safe while continuing to provide services   Mr. Thomas Gillen
                        24-hours’/day.  Ongoing anxieties and uncertainty about COVID-19   Ms. Maureen Doran
                        are likely to place ongoing pressures upon us for the remainder of
                        this fiscal year, at least.                                   Ms. Eileen Fitzgibbons
                        Despite all of these challenges and concerns there have also been   Mr. David Page
                        significant achievements:                                     Mr. Peter G. Fallon
                         •  Our Employees proved to be true Heroes coming into work to   Ms. Marisa Ronan
                           care for our Residents and to make sure our homes remained
                           well-supplied while minimizing infection risks.  Many stayed   Mr. Ronald T. Buskey
                           at work continuously for two-weeks’ straight while they    The Honorable John J. Smoot (RET.)
                           quarantined in place in homes where there were infections.  At
                           the height of the surge we had 8 homes quarantined.
                         •  Rapid deployment of PPE and sound protocols for safety enabled
                           us to minimize infections among Members and Employees.
                         •  Our individual employment services continued  unabated
                           throughout the crisis.
                         •  We had a suite of remote services operating within two weeks
                           of the day programs shutting down.  These remote services
                           were used to help check on the health and safety of day service
                           participants, keep them connected to people they have known
                           and trust for years and provided support to families.

                        While the road this year has been bumpy I am deeply appreciative
                        for all of you and your sustaining support!

                        Christopher T. S. White, Ed. D.

                       Road to Responsibility, Inc. (RTR) was founded in 1988 with the strong belief that individuals with
                       developmental, emotional and behavioral challenges deserve to have full and rewarding lives in
                       the community. That belief continues today. We are committed to providing all individuals with
                       opportunities to truly live in the community. Through our services, we are proud to improve the
                       lives of every individual, one person at a time.
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